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For the next hour I spent more time studying her than anything else, I studied every jawline, every freckle, I was completely mesmerized by her. She twirled her curly hair between her fingers as the professor rambled on about what I could only assume to be newly diagnosed juvenile diabetics, "Mr. Taylor, what would be your first step in figuring out whether a child has early on set juvenile diabetes?" the professor, Mr. Dukes, asks me this which tears my attention away from Kayla and towards the discussion that I'm now only realizing that I haven't been paying attention too. I freeze, I haven't been paying attention and now my first impression to my professor will be that I'm nothing more than a lackey, "well Mr. Taylor it seems your mind is elsewhere, therefor you will leave class today unless someone would like to help you out and show you what you should really be paying attention too." Mr. Dukes glares at me making it my queue to gather my belongings and leave, that's when a hand shoots up in the air "Yes Ms. Jennings?" I snap my head to the hand next to me only to realize it was Kayla's "The first step in determining whether a child has early on set juvenile diabetes is to check their blood glucose levels."  Mr. Dukes nods his head before looking at me with the same glare as before and motioning me to sit down, I sigh a breath of relief as I put down my belongings and take my seat; I look over to Kayla only to be taken aback  that she's looking directly back at me, she leans closer to me and whispers "you owe me." I nod my head in acknowledgment before directing my attention back to Mr. Dukes and start to take notes. The rest of the day went smoothly and I was exhausted by the end of it, I was about to start my motorcycle when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me and the mysterious person takes a seat behind me "so where are we going Mr. Taylor?" Kayla  says this while trying her best impression of Mr. Dukes. Is this girl always showing up at the last minute? I think this before turning my head around to confront her "I'm sure you got someplace better to be than with me, don't you got homework to do tonight??" I scoff as I say this but it's apparent that she won't take no for an answer " I said you owed me one Mr. Taylor, or do you not pay debts that are owed?" she smirks at her own wit as she says this and I feel the back of my neck heat up as I realize that I do owe her for what she did for me today "Fine, how about I take you to get a bite to eat? And then I'll take you home." She nods in agreement and with that I start the engine to my motorcycle making it roar to life, I pulled a spare helmet from the bikes satchel and handed it to her, she fastened it to her head and wrapped her arms around my waist "Hold on tight" I say this to her before revving the engine and peeling out of the parking lot.

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