Fear on wheels

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I walk down her hallway which seemed to turn into a never ending tunnel, my body is shaking and my nerves are starting to get the better of me, so as soon as I eye the bathroom I make a break for it and close the door. I sit down on the toilet and run my hands through my hair, I take a deep breath and calm myself down before going over to the mirror and fixing my hair while splashing cold water on my face, I dry off with the hand towel and emerge from the bathroom. As I make it too her room I over hear a part of the conversation she's having with someone who's voice I can't quite make out "yeah he's a really special guy, I think he's good for me, we did some stuff tonight...... I just hope he doesn't take things too fast." My heart hits the floor and regret fills my being, I knew she was lying about me pressuring her and I figured she didn't want to confront me about it, so I rush back to the living room and grab my keys and jacket. I open up the door and bolt for my chopper, turning the key into the engine, and peel out of the driveway.

I make it back home by midnight and walk into the lobby, I look towards the clerks desk when I realize that Maddie isn't working tonight; instead I see a main about my build with tanned skin and jet black hair "good evening sir, welcome to Broad Stone Infinity" I nod my head and jingle my keys that had my key fob on it indicating that I live here. The man chuckles before continuing "ah you must be Mr.Taylor..... Maddie is rather fond of you, I hear your a good man."  This time it's my turn to chuckle as I make my way over to the elevator, I press the button and wait; this time it's my return to start up the conversation " I wouldn't say all that now but those are very kind words, tell her I said thank you Mr...." I raise and eyebrow and realize that I had not asked for his name and yet it's seems like he knows a lot more than just mine "Mr. Hester sir is the name." The elevator dings and the doors slide open and I wave goodbye before stepping in, the doors close and the elevator hums silently up until it hits its destination with another ding. I step off and walk down the hall to my door, I get too it and lean my ear on it to see if Devon is still up, I hear muffled screaming and instantly adrenaline kicks in, I fish the keys out of my pocket and sling the door open to find a very terrified Devon (who screams yet again at my sudden presence) watching horror movies. I start to laugh so hard that I have to take a knee, as I'm laughing Devon comes up too me and starts to hit me on the shoulder "WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING YOU NEARLY SCARED ME TOO DEATH CHASE!" As she hits me she begins too laugh as well and before we know it there are two grown adults curled up on the floor laughing their asses off. Devon gains her composure "Why are you home tonight? Why don't you come in and tell me what happened?"

Devon puts a pot of tea on the stove and when she turns around she notices that my happy expression has changed into one of much more seriousness "so what's up hun why are you home so early?" She sits down in the kitchen chair next to me and I sigh "well me a kayla went back to her place and we did some... stuff." Devon squeals with excitement and motions for me to continue "and then when we finished she wanted to talk about something, but then I over heard her on the phone with someone and she said that she hopes I don't take things to far and I just booked it outta there." I sigh once more and Devon puts her hand on my back as a motion of support "I knew I took it too far Dev and I feel like shit that she didn't tell me," the tea pot starts to whistle and Devon gets up to get it "Look chase, I know you have scars from your prior endeavors but you'll never learn to start trusting again if you don't hear her out, after all she did let you do "stuff" with her." Devon raises her eyebrow as to make a point as she prepares her tea and pours me a cup, handing it too me she blows on the hot beverage and as her breath make ripples on the surface I look at my own blankly  and think of what has happened tonight "well what are you gonna do now Mr.Taylor?" Devon tilts her head and I think for a second before getting up and grabbing the Kentucky Honey Jack Daniels in the freezer, I pour it in the tea and take a huge gulp. I go over to the TV and begin scrolling through Netflix, Devon sits down on the sofa and laughs "Typical Chase Taylor fashion; ignore the problems in front of you and drown it in liquor." I smirk and tell her to shut up before turning on the first horror movie I see, grabbing the jack from the kitchen, and turning off my brain from all the problems I face for the night.

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