Welcome to Washington

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I've been on the road for a week now, and with the exception of a flat tire and a hobo trying to steal my hot dog, I would say I'm making good time. Just then I round a bend and there it is in all of it's glory: the sign reading WELCOME TO WASHINGTON. My heart started racing, I lifted the visor of my helmet up to smell the north and my home, it smelt fresh and intoxicating, oh how my senses missed the smell of pine and the sea. I took one last deep breath before sliding the visor back down. It's been a long time coming, and the first thing I wanna do is enjoy the day. So I look for the closest exit that leads to the coast, a couple hours later I find it and turn off. When I get to it it's just as I remember from when I was sixteen; the Boardwalk has cars lined up and down it, I find a spot to park and cut the engine of my bike. I reach into the one side container I have on it and take out my traveling backpack, it's constant use from all the adventures I've went on because of my restless behavior is made very apparent by the looks of it, but I love it nonetheless. I replace the empty space in the container with my bike helmet and sling the bag over my shoulder. I grab the sunglasses in the side pouch and put them on, the sun glaring wasn't helping my eyes at all. As I casually strolled the board walk I couldn't help but smile at all the people that passed, all the smiles that where mirrored by each other, all the laughing, the talking, the environment seethed with positive vibes , it gave you a breath of life that you'll never find anywhere else, except for one other place. As I walk I feel someone tug on my bag, and on instinct I grab the person and slam them against the outside wall of one of the souvenir shops, but I'm stopped cold when I realize who's grabbing onto my backpack, I start to chuckle "it's been awhile Connor, last time I saw you we where sneaking out to go to a party" I laugh now and hug my old best friend. He looks me up and down,just as shocked as I was when I realized it was him standing in front of me, "holy cow, I never thought I'd see you again man, like it's you, it's really you!" he hugs me again, but as he lets go a little girl appears by his side and hugs his leg. "daddy who is this?" the girl says from behind he's leg, wait this can't be.... "Chase I want you too meet my daughter, Ezabella." He's face is gleaming with joy and pride, my mouth drops when a woman comes to his side and kisses him, I know this woman "Holy shit, Claire is that you?" I'm taken aback by the scene that just unfolded before me. Clair was the head captain of our high schools cheerleaders, she was fun and out going and easy to talk to. Connor was a completely different story, he was a trouble maker and an outcast like me back in high school, that's why me and him instantly hit it off when we met, we knew what it felt like to be alone in the word, so we decided that instead of being lonely by our self's, we might as well be lonely together, that's why it was so hard leaving Washington when I did, I knew he was gonna be alone again, or so I thought. "daddy who's this man" Ezabella whined, obviously growing impatient with her father not answering her. "This is daddy's old friend, he helped daddy through a lot as he was growing up, he even helped daddy meet mommy" he said this while brushing his fingers through her hair soothingly. I became puzzled when he said that I helped him and Claire meet, the last time i talked to Claire was at the party... "wait, you're telling me the night we went to that party.... that was her car you jumped in when the cops came?" I asked this in a low tone, careful not to disclose anything in front of Ezabella. This time Claire was the one who responded "yeah, he actually thought it was your car, he even told you to drive, it was funny when he actually looked at who was driving." We laughed at the memory, everything feels like it happened so long ago. "So how long are you staying up here, or did you move back?" Connor asked, a hopeful tone played in his voice. "I moved up here, which reminds me that i should probably go, I'll definitely come drop by though if you want" i said with a smirk. "Of course! here's my phone number, tell me once you've settled, we can set a time then" Connor said, excitement filled his voice. We exchanged numbers and I waved as they waked off, when i reached my bike I looked at my watch, it read 7:30 P.M. which means I have a three hour drive ahead of me to get back into Seattle. So I started my engine and began my journey to my new home.

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