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Double update in a week! WOO!





When I come too Kayla is gently applying bandages around my hand and I clearly have an ice pack over my left cheek "where are we?" I groan and go to sit up but Kayla shoves me back down making me wince in pain. I look at her face to meet her eyes but as soon as I do I instantly regret it; she has the same glare from when we left the club, I huff in frustration and go to speak except when I do Kayla cuts me off "what the hell do you want from me Chase? We literally met less than two months ago and since you've entered my life you have been nothing but trouble, so what's the goal here?" She gets up and my eyes follow her curvy figure walking into her kitchen well at least I know where I am now I slowly sit up and look at her while she walks around the kitchen and that's when it hits me "why the hell where you at the club anyways?" I lean back into her sofa and she stops and lays her hands on her countertop "I was there trying to forget about some of the events that have taken place, that was before you and Samuel had a whose dick is bigger than whose contest, I started walking in the direction of the crowd that followed the two of you and because I wanted to make sure you where..." she stops herself and I start to smirk at the thought of what she was about to say. I try to get up and Kayla rushes to my side, but instead of getting up I begin falling back onto the couch pulling her into my lap, her blue eyes are intense from this close and I have a hard time thinking straight, I cup her face in my hand and go to kiss her but she pulls away. My heart instantly sinks into my stomach "so you're still pissed huh?" she huffs at my comment and gets up "no I just.... I don't know Chase, we kinda just jumped into all of this without really getting to know each other; I want to know Chase Taylor, not just his member." She looks down at the bottom half of my body and I feel something I've never felt with a woman embarrassment. I shift uncomfortably in the sofa and avert my gaze "well then maybe we should take this time to get to know each other?" I glance back up at her and she looks like she's deep in thought, Probably contemplating on whether or not she wants to be involved with all the skeletons I have lurking in my closet, she looks back at me and slowly shakes her head in agreement.

We are both now sitting on the sofa from across one another and as she hands me a cup of coffee my mind races trying to think of ways to explain my life to her as simply as possible "So what are you dying to know about?" Kayla ponders the question for a minute then immediately looks at my arm "that right there" she points at the now lightly faded scar and I sigh knowing that I probably shouldn't have asked that question. Kayla looks at me as I'm thinking before she rolls her eyes "look if this is going to be anymore than a friendship I need you too open up a little." I nod my head and begin to speak "Me and my family... we where celebrating New years Eve, we where out at a local bar and my brother went to go take a piss but then..." flashes from that night flood my mind, the screaming, the gunshots, the blood, I start to breath heavy and Kayla puts a her hand on my shoulder instantly calming me. She looks at me for a second before wiping a tear from my cheek, I'm shocked that it's even there, I hadn't even realized until now that I had been crying. Kayla's eyes are filled with sadness and in that moment I don't know what's worse, my pain or seeing her like this "do you want me to continue?" she shakes her head and I take a deep breath "well... as he went to go a man walked in and started opening fire on the crowd, he aimed right at him and I jumped in front of it; I was ready to take that bullet for him, it only grazed me though but it was enough to slow it down, it hit my brother in his back and missed his lung by a centimeter. I'm thankful that I was able to stop it some what but the thought of what could've happen to my little brother...." I look up and Kayla has tears pouring down her face, she wraps her arms around my neck "I'm sorry you had to go through that chase, I had no idea." Kayla doesn't realize however that she is the only person outside my family and Devon who knows the story, I feel a sense of trust when I'm around her, like she is my personal vault, that all my secrets could be kept safe with her, it felt good to tell someone else about what happened, maybe it'll make it easier to cope with it. I wipe away Kayla's tears before beginning "so enough sad stuff about me tell me more about you, like how the hell you met Samuel," I can tell that I struck a nerve with her because her jaw begins to clench, I reach for her hand and this time she gives it too me "Samuel was my high school sweetheart, we had been together for years, that is until he started sleeping with other women behind my back. I was in the kitchen with him one day and he left his phone on the counter, well while he was gone it kept ringing so I finally picked it up and when I did another woman was on the other end asking me why I was answering her boyfriends phone. I packed my shit up and left that day, since then he's been stalking me: sending love letters to my mailbox, creating new social media accounts to talk to me, hell he came to my job one time and demanded that I speak to him, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't know how you would take it, I thought I could take care of it myself....." she stares at the ground for awhile and we both sit in silence "Well I'm sorry for acting out the way I did, you're a grown woman who can handle herself." I cup her face again and she leans in closer to me before giving me a gentle kiss, it warms my entire body and I feel heat in my cheeks when she moves away, she laughs that same laugh that I adore "and I'm sorry for not talking to you for a week." We both laugh at this when suddenly my phone rings, I look at the caller ID and groan when I see Devon's face lit on the screen, I answer the phone and that's when the yelling begins "CHASE TAYLOR WHERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU, ARE YOU OKAY?ARE YOU HURT? HAVE YOU BEEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTED?" Kayla laughs at the last part and the phone goes silent, I gulp almost positive that she knows where I am now "YOU TWO BETTER GET TO THE APARTMENT NOW, AND DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE NOT WITH HER BECAUSE I HEARD HER LAUGH!" Devon hangs up on me and I look at Kayla who's still laughing.

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