A Magical Night

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I ended up taking us to a local restaurant called Pizza Joint, it's a local bar that also happens to do fun quiz nights and they sell some pretty killer pizza, Kayla took her helmet off and put it back in the satchel it was in. That's when she took my hand and dragged me into the pub with a huge smile plastered across her face "You're paying by the way Mr. Taylor" she yells over the crowd of people and music playing in the back ground, "Stop calling me Mr. Taylor, just call me chase" I glare at her as she chuckles at my demand, my heart flutters though hearing her laugh; it's light and airy, it's something I could listen too and never get tired of. We take our seats and order, we talked about school and actually ended up finishing our homework there; not only was she absolutely stunning, but she was incredibly smart, the more I learned about her the more intrigued I became. She talked about her mother who uses her as a figure of her own success, and her step-father who tries to hard to act like her actual father " So Mr. Taylor, tell me about that scar on your arm" she lays her head in her hands and cocks it to the side in curiosity, I tense up as flashbacks at what happened came back to me so I called the waitress over and ordered four shots of Jack, I then quickly gain my composure and avert my gaze from her "that's a story for another time, maybe if you do me a couple more favors I'll tell you." She frowns but doesn't press anymore, by the end of the night I was full of pizza and more importantly; Alcohol.  

"Mr. Taylor you can barely walk let alone drive, therefor I will be driving us home," Kayla snatches the keys from my hand and I look at her before slurring "Do you even know how to drive a motorcycle?" This time it was her turn to scoff, she cranked the key in the ignition and put it in neutral, then she pulled the clutch in and the engine purred in satisfaction, my cheeks where on fire by her sudden display of courage and my heart was pounding in my chest from the seductiveness of her independence "you know my grandfather was a mechanic when I was younger, and I spent a lot of time with him in his shop, Don't be afraid Mr. Taylor I don't bite" she winks as she says this and my member twitches is she really turning me on right now?? I shake my head and climb on, this time it's me with the spare helmet on and as I wrap my arm around her slender waist this time she looks back and me and says "Hold on tight" before peeling out of the parking lot. We slow down to a small home in a neighborhood and I'm confused because I have never been here "Come in Mr. Taylor, I'm definitely not letting you drive home in your current condition" she motions me inside and turns on the lights and I'm surprised by what I see; for the size its a very modern house, it has an open concept with a spacious living room, the kitchen has marble counter tops and she has a gas stove and stainless steel appliances, the dinning room has a stunning mahogany table and chairs with a gorgeous chandelier in the middle, her house is amazing. "Well this is it, this is my house. I'll grab you a couple pillows and a blanket for the couch unless you prefer the floor?" she smiles and claps her hands to her sides. "Thank you for allowing me to stay for the night I don't know how I can repay you, just then my body reacts without thinking and I pull her into me, our lips inches away from each other her breathing picks up "well I could think of one way you could repay me" she says this and leans in for a kiss, every inch of my body wants her soft looking lips on mine but my conscious knows that with the state I'm in it would only lead to trouble, so I dodge the kiss and instead kiss her cheek before whispering in her ear "I want to be completely sober when I kiss you." Her breath catches and she blushes before turning away from me "well I'm um..... I'm gonna go get the pillows and blankets, please make yourself at home," she rushes into a room and out of site. 

She comes backs a few moments later and hands me a blanket, Pillow, and Clothes "I had clothes from an old ex and I figured you could shower in the guest bathroom if you'd like, I hate being dirty before bed and we do have school tomorrow so you can throw your clothes in the wash if you'd like..." she blushes and looks down at the floor, that's when I lift her chin up and kiss her cheek again "thank you love, I really appreciate it, you're too kind." She looks away with a smile playing on her lips before whispering goodnight and going to the master bedroom. I shower and throw my clothes in the wash and settle in for the night, I look at my phone to make sure I didn't miss any calls from anyone important, that's when I see ten text messages and two missed calls from Kelsey, all the texts were asking where I was and when I would be home, typical Kelsey; micromanaging me even when we're not together. I groan and throw my phone to the side of me before looking up and staring at the ceiling, thoughts of what I should do troubled me until I fell asleep and the white ceiling faded to black.    

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