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I awoke to a thud in the kitchen followed by a whisper of a curse word, I open my eyes and take in my surroundings, the living room is flooded with sunlight from the back porches glass doors and the whole home smells of bacon. My stomach growls at the scent of food and so I sit up and turn my attention towards the kitchen, in the kitchen is a sight like never before;  Kayla is in a white V-neck with black laced underwear peeking out from the bottom of the shirt. The sight of this makes my member twitch and I will myself to look away and cough to get her attention, she is surprised by this and jumps before bolting to the back of the house to I assume put on pants. I take this opportunity to go retrieve my clothes from the dryer and hastily make my way to the bathroom, I hear Kayla's footsteps tread past the bathroom and back into the kitchen.

 I emerge from the bathroom and sit down on one of the bar stools she has at her counter "You know we have to still go to class right?" I say this while raising an eyebrow at her, she blushes before responding; "Yes Chase I know we still have class too attend but I figured I'd be a good host and at least cook you breakfast so you couldn't say I wasn't hospitable." I love the way she says my name, how it roles of her tongue so effortlessly like she been calling me by it for years, I smile and turn around to grab my  phone so that I may take a picture of her while she is unaware of my devious intentions. I turn on my phone and wait for the apple symbol to disappear and for my lock screen to appear, when I do I am greeted by a barrage of text messages and calls; all from Kelsey. I quickly clear my notifications before turning back around and being startled by Kayla's presence behind me "whach ya doin? and why did you have so many notifications on your phone?" My heart quickens and I find it difficult to explain to her my current situation "I'm dealing with something in my past, hopefully I can resolve it soon," I try to act composed as to not give away the fear of me hurting her unintentionally. She looks at me for a moment longer before smiling and swiveling back around to focus on making breakfast; we sit and talk for a couple minutes as we fuel ourselves for the day, then we grab our belongings and I drive her to class. 

When we get there we sit in the same seats as we did yesterday and wait for the class to start, that's when Hannah and Alexis sit down next to us "so how are you love birds doing?? I saw you and Mr. Taylor ride off together in the sunset yesterday" Hannah says this as she wiggles her eyebrows and in turn it makes Kayla blush. I try my best to maintain my composure before I speak "Well Ms. Zadach if you must know me and Ms. Jennings went out lastnight too merely get to know one another, after all we've only known each other for a day," this much is true; although my heart feels like this girl knows every inch of my soul my brain is rational enough to understand that we still don't know a whole lot about her. Kayla nods in agreement although when I look at her, her face shows almost....Hurt? I shake the thoughts out of my mind as the professor enters the classroom and this time I make sure to listen to everything he says to say too make sure I wont owe Kayla for anymore than I already do. The rest of the school day drags on and by the end of it I am completely exhausted, as I go to get on my bike I hear Kayla's beautiful voice call from a distance "Hey Mr. Taylor wait! I have something for you!" Kayla stops next to me and puts her hands on her knees and breathes heavily making it very obvious that she had been running. She catches her breath and hands me a piece of paper "what's this?" I ask curiously, she blushes "oh well won't ya look at the time, gotta go bye!" and with that she runs off too the same direction she came from. I open the piece of paper and inside has a phone number with a note on the bottom "if you'd like to talk tonight give me a call," my heart flutters at the thought of spending all night talking to her, so I pull out my phone and put her number in too my contacts but not before seeing ten more missed calls from Kelsey. Suddenly anger washes over me so I block the number temporarily, I can't wait to be home I think this to myself as I start up the motorcycle and start making my way home. 

I finally park my motorcycle and make my way inside, at the counter is maddie and when she sees me she quickly looks back down at her computer and acts like I wasn't there which is probably the best for the both of us. I make my way to my apartment and I go to unlock he door but when I do the knob turns, I groan knowing that Kelsey hadn't locked up like I told her too. So I swing the door open and yell " Honey I'm home!" at the top of my lungs expecting no one to answer, but that's when I heard an all to familiar voice answer back "I've been trying to call you for two days, where have you been?" and from around the corner Kelsey emerges, making my happy light fade into darkness.

Welp Guys as promised I'm still uploading, please like and comment so I know what you guys hope to expect to happen next!



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