Chapter 23

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Taehyung's POV

I don't know what took into me when I argued with her. I had no intentions to call her pathetic but God knows why can't my mouth just shut up. Well should have apologized then after the argument but I wasn't in my right mind. During dinner when I wanted her to wait she just left me without a glance. I was treated coldly. I think I should apologize now. Determined I went over to knock at Y/n's door but it was open to my surprise. So I peeped into the dimly lit room to find her with a book in her hand.

"What do you want Tae?" She said coldly without glancing towards me. "I, uh, I was thinking if we could talk out some things." "It's already late, I'm exhausted and I really need some sleep. Good night for today." She sighed heavily and I exited the door shutting it behind me.

Few days passed like this and we didn't even converse a single word with each other. And this guilt was eating me up. As I saw her entering the cafeteria with the girls, I got up to apologize. I know it's not easy and she has been ignoring me but I'll try my best this time. But before I can reach up to her, someone else caught her attention.


"Y/n here." I turned around to meet Jungkook calling me. I caught up to him, " Yeah tell." "Hey, let's go for a coffee date?" My eyes widen as he broke out into laughter. "Oh my God, you should have looked at your face." "What's so funny? " "Oh God. It's just a friendly date. We'll just hangout. I guess last time due to some reasons it was cancelled." "Ah, yeah." But won't Tae mind if I go with Jungkook on a date. Though it is just a friendly date but shouldn't he be informed. No, why should he! He was the one to call me pathetic right. "Okay. See you then, after school." I nod.


Here I am sitting across Jungkook, in a cafe near the college. An awkward silence enveloped us. "So....." I trailed, "So, uh I wanted to tell you something and I have been wanting to tell you sooner but I didn't have the courage to. " I frowned, "It's fine Jungkook. It's only me, don't hesitate. Tell me if something is troubling you." He held my hands gently squeezing them. I curiously glanced at my hand and then at him. "Y/n I don't know how, when and where it started." "What do you mean?" "I... Kim Y/n I, I like you." It was as swift as stimuli and I removed my hands from him. "I don't expect you to feel the same. But I can't keep this feeling hidden inside me anymore." I was stunned, "Jungkook I-" "No, let me speak today. I know I'm being selfish but I want to tell you all. The day I saw you getting bullied and then your temperament with Jimin Hyung and the past few days we came so close, I can't help but fall in love with you. I don't know you'll accept me or not but whether if it's a reject, then reject me. At least then I can move on." I felt bad for him, but I already belong to someone else. I exhaled as I looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry Jungkook, but I already belong to someone else. Though we're not interacting with each other since a few days ago, but I still know that one day he would let go of his ego and apologize to me. I'm sorry but I don't feel the same."
Jungkook smiled, but in that smile there was bitterness, "It's okay." "Oh c'mon, don't be so dead. We are still friends. Right?" I said to cheer him up, and it worked as he chuckled and nodded, "Indeed we are."

We exited the cafeteria parting our ways. But my legs soon came to halt when I faced him. Guilt was in those eyes. I continued walking, but he held my wrist as I was passing by him. "Can't we talk? Please? " I sighed heavily and nodded, "But at home," I said since it won't be a good idea to talk outside as it is already dark. We got in his car and he drove off; back home.


Hey guys, I'm back after a full month spending my days in hell. So here's another chapter.

Well we are near to the ending of this book. Hope you are enjoying and I didn't kept you await for too long. Anyways, I will try my best to publish chapters weekly.

Love you all❤❤❤❤~~~

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