Chapter 12

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A month later


A month passed like this. We really became close. He is really caring and the most strange but best thing for me was he stopped hanging out with girls. I mean what a drastic change in these past few days. I really think that because of my one action he felt so guilty that he stopped looking out for girls! Maybe he is bored up. During these days he also took care of me. He used to clean the wounded area on my head till it recovered and also looked at the matter that I was having my medicines properly or not.

Well currently we were sitting on the sofa watching movie. One of his arm suddenly moved and rested on my shoulder and he pulled me closer to him. I am really liking this. But no I can he is my brother after all, no no I should maintain distance with him. I guess this is the only way to get rid of my feelings for him.
"Umm... Tae will you please put your hand down."
"Wait! What did you said?"- Taehyung
"Uh... I just said to put your hand down. Actually its heavy" I just shrugged off. It shouldn't be seen that I am trying to ignore him.
"No , before that."- Taehyung
"Do you even realize you just gave me a nickname. "
"Sorry. If you don't like it. Actually Taehyung is too big. Its okay I'll call you Taeh-"
"No! Call me Tae once more."

He eagerly asked me. I think he really liked that name.😂
I giggled at his reaction.
"Once more"
Then the next thing he did made me freeze at my position with full of shock. Oh. My. God. He kissed me on my cheeks ! I started blushing at his action so I looked away.
"What just happened. "I whispered
Just then the doorbell rang.
"I'll open the door. "- Taehyung

Just then you see it was your parents.
"Hey honey! How are you. Miss me."- Mom
"Welcome home. Hope you guys enjoyed you honeymoon."
"Ofcourse we did! Daehyun tell them it was so amazing ~."

I didn't wanted to hear her nonsense anymore so I made my way to my room. Taehyung was there. Hope they won't feel my absence.


After mom told us how she and dad enjoyed their honeymoon she gave me the gifts that they bought.

"Y/N this is-" -Mom
"Where is she?"- Dad
"She was with us when you both came."
"Leave it. She won't come. I know she is in her room. This happens often when I come back from business trips."- Mom
"Don't worry dear. Shall I call her down?"- Dad
"Yah no. Umm... Taehyung can you give this gift to her on my behalf. I'm sure she won't refuse you. "- Mom

I nod and mom hand me the same gift that she gave to me and hurried upstairs to her room.It was a necklace with a heart, but the colour of its heart is golden whereas my one is silver. Did she took a pair of these hearts. Well good that we have same necklace. Oh, there is also a place to keep pictures in this necklace. I'll put her picture in my one.
I reached to her room and I saw the door was locked. So I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"- Y/N
"Its me, Taehyung."
"Come in."- Y/N

I twist the knob and came in her room only to meet with her back facing me. She was looking outside the window.

"Y/N this is the gift that mom bought for you. I came here to give this to you."
"You can return this to her or if you want you can keep it."
"Won't you take it!"

She shook her head responding 'no'.
What happened to her all of a sudden? She was good before they came. I came near to her and hugged her from the back and put my head on her shoulder. She flinched.

I was taken off gaurd when Taehyung back hugged me. Blood started rushing to face and my cheeks became hot. Why does he need to do this! And why I need to blush whenever he comes close.

"W-what are y-you d-doing?"
Oh wow! Now I'm stuttering.

"What happened? Why are you behaving like this all of a sudden?"- Taehyung
Because I don't want to face that woman. I don't want anything to do something that would seem like I forgive her for her mistakes.
"I just don't need them. Please leave me alone."
"No I am not leaving you till you tell me your problem. Turn around!"- Taehyung

He suddenly broke the hug and turned me around to which I faced him.
"Ommo, you were crying! Why?"- Taehyung
I hung my face low. Yes I was crying because I remembered back my past. The incidents that took place in past and the reason for which I hated mom. He cupped my face with his hands and made my face to face him. Then he wiped my tears with his thumb.

"Next time, I don't want to see any tears in this beautiful face."- Taehyung
I nod to him.
"Now take this."- Taehyung
He handed me a necklace with golden heart. Is this the gift she bought for me. Well I liked it.
"See I was gifted the same except my one is silver in colour."
So now she have bought the pairing necklace for us. She did know that I like Taehyung and also she knows that we are siblings now. Then why does she need to do something like this!
"You did liked the gift, don't you! Anyways she was right. You can't refuse me."
- Taehyung
"What did she told you!"
"That you can't refuse me!"
"And! Did she said anything else!"
"Nope. Was there something else for me to know?"
Thank God she didn't said to that I liked him.
"Now are you going to wear it or not!"-Taehyung
"I'll wear it later."
"Okay. As you wish."
"But why were you crying. Did something happened?"
- Taehyung
"Its okay you don't have to tell me."-Taehyung
"Thank you"
"Okay now I'll be going to my room. Bye."
"Yeah, bye."

Hey my readers hope you are enjoying the story. Well I see most of you people are silent readers. Anyways feel free to comment and also do share my story thank you a lot for reading it!! Stay in tune~~
Love yaaa!💜💜💜💜

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