Chapter 13

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Later that night


I was called to have dinner. I came down and saw mom and dad was sitting beside each other . As usual I sat across the table adjacent to dad. Then Taehyung came and saw us and he made a weird face as if he never saw me sitting far away from them. No wonder he never know about me and my mom 's relationship. He came and sat beside me giving me a rectangular smile. I smiled back to him.
"So how did you people spend time without us?"- Mom
"Must have missed us."- Dad
"I don't think so it is applicable for Y/N"- Mom

Oh God she started her nonsense again.
"I have come to have my dinner here. I think talking while having your food is not good for health. "
"Come on Y/N don't be so cold."- Mom
I ignored her.
"I missed you mom a lot."
- Taehyung
"And me!"- Dad
"No I didn't missed you."
- Taehyung
"You are mean Taehyung. "
"Y/N you were comfortable with him, I guess he didn't did any naughtiness"- Dad

I looked at Taehyung smirking. He hung his face low making an apologetic face.
"No Dad he was good. I enjoyed knowing him."

Then good arrived and we started eating.
After eating I got up.
"I'm done."
"Okay. Good night h-" - Mom
As usual I didn't let her complete her sentence and went to my room.


"When will she behave with me like my own daughter. " I sighed
"Don't worry, give her time."
- Daehyun
I nod to him.
"Mom, is everything alright between you both?"
- Taehyung
"Yes. Its fine, you don't need to worry. "
Taehyung nods to her but he seemed worried.

I don't know when she will forgive me. Moreover she is angry with me because now Taehyung is a part of our family because of me. If I never have married Daehyun then this wouldn't have happened.  But what can I do. Me too deserve to have happiness.


I was painting another picture of Taehyung. Well another because I already painted him four time and I had made his sketch five times. Well actually I can't take away my mind from him. Whenever I think of drawing something I end up drawing him. The first drawing was his sketch which I drew coincidentally. After that I actually fell for him. But I regret that step.

Well this painting is over. I need this dry.
"Umm....where will I keep it, where , where. O let's keep it near the bed! Good idea."

I keep the painting on the floor beside the bed and took my brushes and palette to wash them. After that I just noticed that I had paint all over my hands and face.
"Aish.... I need to take a bath for this."

I looked at the clock. Its already past 11.40 p.m. Its late though, so I'll just make it quick. So I took my towel and extra clothes and went to the bathroom.


I came near Y/N's room just to see if she was sleeping or still awake. I do this every night since I discovered my feelings for her. I saw her door was open so I got in and she was not in her room. Where is she? Did she ran away! I really want to know what happened between mom and her, that why she acts so cold to her. Then I heard the sound of splashing of water. Oh, she is in the bathroom.I was going out of her room then suddenly I noticed something near her bed. I got nearer and  saw a painting.

The painting was of me. Wow! She is a great artist. But the paint is still dry lets not touch. I came near her studying table and I noticed her sketch book. I opened it only to meet with a number of beautiful sketches. The sketches that are drawn long time before mostly had scenery of nature and couples. But the latter ones were of mine. And I found one sketch of a man. He looked like he is of middle age nearly 40 to 50 years of age. He wore a watch and had spectacles. By his sketch I can say he was really handsome but this face is similar to someone but I don't recognize it. Anyways but why did Y/N had drawn me that is not one or twice but a lot of times.Really,was she obsessed with me. Then why didn't I come to know. Maybe I am expecting too much but one day I'll confess whether it is a good or bad idea but at least I'll let her know that I love her.

Then suddenly I heard the phone rang. I quickly hid under her bed. Oh no! Why am I hiding under her bed I could have just walked out of the room. I tried to get out under her bed but I was too late I saw that the door open revealing Y/N with a towel and wet hair, as she ran out of the bathroom to receive the call.
"Hello..... I good but can you people please just give me a second......actually I just took a bath... give me just a second I'll close the door and put the ph on speaker while I change into my clothes.......yah! You people are perverts."- Y/N

She did something in her phone and then closed the door and made her way to the closet. Seriously now she closed the door and will change into her clothes. I can't see this.
"Hey are you there"- Lisa
"Y/N"- Rose

Lisa! Oh the girls have called her.
"Yes, yes. The phone is on speaker you all speak while I'm listening."- Y/N
"Hey what are you doing now?"- Jisso
"I already said that I'm changing into my clothes"-Y/N
"Duh girl! I wish I was with you now."- Jennie
"Why!"- Y/N
"So that I can see your naked body."- Jennie
"Pervert I had changed my clothes and if you wish to see me like that it would never happen not in your dreams. Hahaha"- Y/N
"Mean!"- Jennie
"Guys ,guys ,guys what's the time!"- Jisoo
"Its exact 12.00"- Rose
"Hey Y/N stop whatever are you doing and sit on you bed with the speaker on or else you might end up as a deaf."
- Lisa
"Ummm..okay but what is it."
"Did you do what we said!"- Rose

I felt that Y/N sat on her bed.
"Yeah."- Y/N
"Okay 3, 2, 1 go!"- Jisoo
- Everyone
"Happy birthday Y/N"- Lisa

Omg! Today is her birthday and I don't know. Aish! I should have given her a surprise today. Anyways I'll give her a big one tomorrow.

"Omg! Thank you guys. You people are the best"- Y/N
Then she started crying.
"Yah! Today is your birthday. The birthday girl shouldn't cry today."- Jennie
"Okay okay I won't but you people made me emotional."-Y/N

And I guess it's another long chapter. Sorry for keeping you people await. I have a question actually. I was thinking about adding smuts but... I would like to ask you people. Shall I add?? Plz guys do tell me so it would also help me to make up my story better.

Well comment me to know it.
See yaaaa~~
For that time bye bye
I purple you💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜.

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