Chapter 3

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I was happy to know that Y/N had finally accepted our relationship after whatever she suffered in the past. I feel sorry for her, the way she suffers it appears on her face. I am trying to be the best dad for her and protect her from now on. I hope I successfully do so.
I was also happy that she liked our house and she moved with us.
"Y/N this is now our home and if you need something you can always come to me. I'll help you. Don't hesitate to tell anything to me. Okay"
"Okay uncle."-Y/N
"Well your room is the left one of the guest room and the one beside you is your brother's room. But he has to go somewhere for some work he will be back after a week. Also I need to discuss about the wedding with you. You may change and come down."

You nod and go upstairs to your room. You first take a shower and change into casual clothes. You then go downstairs to meet your dad.
"Dad I'm here."- Y/N
"O you came. So me and your mom was thinking about how to arrange our wedding, so we thought you can suggest us something."
"Okay then."- Y/N
"But what about my stepbrother? Won't he also suggest his choice?"-Y/N
Well he already did and would be coming back on the day of our wedding. I guess then there you would also meet him."
Your nod and then talk and decide what about the arrangements that day and you enjoyed his company this time.

Next day

You went to college and caught up with your bestfriend Liza and others.
"Y/N is it true aunty is going to marry"- Rose
"Yes, and I think she did make a good choice. Firstly i wasn't supportive to her decision but now after meeting her boyfriend I do think she made a good choice"
"Okay but do you have any stepbrother or sister"- Jisoo.
"Yes Y/N you said that you would inform me. Is he/she is good looking? Does he/she annoys you? Do you like him/her?"- Liza
"Yaah.. wait you people let me answer one by one. As I said Liza; yes I am having a stepbrother, his room is beside my one and we are living with my would be father."
"Ommo is he's handsome. What is his name? Is he's older than you?"- Jennie
"Well for your kind information I haven't met him yet so I don't know is he's handsome/ ugly or older/younger than me."

You then look at your watch and saw just 5 minutes are left to start your first class.
"Oh shoot...only 5 minutes are left. Hurry up guys orelse we are doomed."
Then all of you started running towards your respective classes. Since your first class was with Jisoo you both sat together. Then you saw the professor coming in amd settled down.
"Where is Kim Taehyung?"- Teacher.
"We don't know Sir."- one of your classmate
The teacher nodded and started teaching. You thought what could be the reason and whispered to Jisoo
"Why is he absent?"
"Miss secret admirer how will I know what happened to your love. You should better know about him after all your crush. Maybe he's just fucking some random girls."- Jisoo
"Aish... shup up girl. Why do you always think that he is just doing nonsense all the time?"
"Then what do you want me to think of a playboy like him?"- Jisoo
"Well you are correct. What else can be expected from a playboy like him.
Ahhh....I hate myself for loving him. Why doesn't this bastard heart listen to my brain? This heart always hurts me."
You blame yourself in frustration and anger.

Time skips
You came back home.
"I'm home."
"O honey you are back."- Mom
Saying so she comes to hug you but you dodge her and and walk past to the kitchen.
You grab a glass and pour some milk and drank it.

"Why can't we get back normal and behave like a mother and daughter?"- Mom

"No. It will never happen. You should have thought before leaving us alone then."

"Y/N listen i apologize fo-"
Before she complete her sentence you already leave the kitchen making your way to your room.
You keep your bag and get to the shower. After that the maid comes and tells you that dinner is ready and your mom is calling you downstairs to have your dinner.
"Hello Y/N. Hope you are doing well and I hope you are feeling comfortable in the house. If something is wrong please don't hesitate to tell me okay."- Daehyun
"I am perfectly fine." Then you take a seat opposite to your mom and glance at her
"And if I need something I can fix it by myself." You sounded rude. Your mom understood the reason.
"Is this is the way you talk to your elders?"- Mom

"I think I have been called to have my dinner, so if I get.... because you see I have a lot to do rather than wasting my time."

"Sanchai, it's okay. I am fine. And she is right, lets have our dinner rather than arguing."- Daehyun.
You quickly had your dinner and got up from you seat.
"I am going ahead."
"Sleep well and goo-"- Mom
Just like before you didn't let her finish her finish her sentence and disappeared to your room.

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