↳ chapter one: 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘢𝘥.

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   𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐉𝐎𝐁 𝐀𝐃⁰⁰¹     _

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   𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐉𝐎𝐁 𝐀𝐃⁰⁰¹     _

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IT WAS A TRANQUIL SUNDAY MORNING. The sun shone brightly through the exposed crevices of your curtains. Pouring its illuminating ropes of sunlight into your room, giving the furniture placed neatly into certain parts of your room an extra shadow, heightening its already sophisticated details.

Your bedsheets were blanketed over your figure snuggly as you rested on your side, glancing upon the things that laid in front of you. Your eyes darted across the room at a gentle pace, adjusting to the beaming rays that had smothered and coated your room with its hues. The more you glanced the more you felt as if the room's colour became more enhanced and diligent.

But as your eyes wondered upon the atmosphere, a certain thought had crawled its way into the main portion of your mind. The thought you left buried away for a while but it had now become your main priority as it was now the subject occupying your mind as of now. A Job.

You were in need of a job, you needed to be as occupied as a regular adult, you didn't want to lazy around anymore, wasting precious time that could be used as a slot for a shift. The truth was you just hadn't put much effort into looking into ads for Jobs, you would always scroll through, looking and looking, in hopes, something would draw your attention but that was not the case. Maybe it was perhaps the fact that your standards were high, perhaps that was the base for your pickiness.

"Maybe today may be the day," You uttered to yourself, feeling upon the pillows fluffed out neatly beside your head. You chuckled to yourself briefly before grabbing ahold of a pillow and burying your bare face into the depths of it, as a way of clearing stress that remained in your mind.

Once you had finished cleansing the stress from your mind, you decided to leave your bed in order to fetch your laptop. The covers buried around your figure you removed, leaving your body exposed as you began to distance yourself from the Queen sized bed that was position in the middle of the spacious room.

Treading lazily towards the laptop perched against the wall of the desk, you halted for a second before preparing yourself to get comfortable in the chair that laid upon you. The desk that rested upon your gaze was decorated with clutter, lounging upon the polished oak table. A soft sigh left your narrowly parted lips as you took in the clutter, it consisted of bits and pieces of makeup you left lying around along with a few sweet wrappers sprinkled around the desk.

"I'll clean later I guess." You muttered to yourself once again as you began to turn on the laptop after moving the bundle of cluster to the side. As the laptop took a while to finally load to the home screen, you began to tap your nails against the polished table, creating a pleasant ethereal melody in the process. You didn't know how the beat came to you but you felt proud of yourself for coming up with something so gentle.

Too bad you weren't going to be able to recall it in an hour or so.

Once the screen had fully loaded and processed each aspect of the computer, your mind instantly decided to go on Google, in order to find a larger range of jobs currently available. As you were nearing the Google search bar, the flesh of your lips laid fixed beneath your teeth as it subtly played with it. The sheer thought of what to type in the search bar lingered in the depths of your mind as you found yourself stuck with not a single idea present in your mind.

Your fingers drummed slowly against the side of the laptop urgently, in an attempt to figure out the mere sentence that you should plant into the search bar. As your fingers continued to tap against the table, an idea popped up in the brink of your mind.

'I should just search up secretary work for my area' And so you did just that, typing away on the keyboard and entering the search button. You watched as hundreds and hundreds of results poured in, filling your recommendation column to the brim. You didn't know as of where to start, what you were looking for was sprawled across the display of your screen but so much of the same thing was present.

You ultimately decided to click on a random site in hopes it would lead you to somewhere intriguing. And in a way it did, you were on a site with valuable secretary positions open for the public with a respectable amount of qualifications needed for the certain category the website had requested for.

"So much Jobs, this is gonna take a fucking while." You groaned to yourself, not bothering to switch onto another website as you had made it deep enough onto this one, you were roughly 100 pages in out of 400. It was good enough so there was no good reason to why you should go and access another website.

As you were scrolling you found nothing, your mind felt blank and your eyes felt somewhat heavier as they laid lidded. You continued to stare at the jobs beneath your lashes, in hopes of a miracle occurring whilst you browsed this boring site.

You were currently 250 pages in and you still hadn't found anything valuable with a respectable salary. But you promised yourself you would keep looking and so you did, but as you were about to scroll once more you found an interesting job ad, the pay was higher than usual. The location was nearby and there was one more aspect for the job, you had to be present with your boss throughout the day, you had to live with him. It seemed like a somewhat dangerous deal but you felt as if you needed money so you went and applied.

You started with your name, to your email address, address and your phone number until the whole form was filled out. And once you sent the form in, with the full accessibility of finding your whereabouts, you left the sight and began to watch some YouTube, in hopes of getting a response from the 'Boss'.


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