Chapter - 7

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After everything that happened at school today, I can barely think straight. I wonder if everyone is in the same condition as me.

Oh! who am I? well, I'm the biggest undercover Mafia boss in Seoul as of now and I intend to keep it that way till the day I die. I am considered as the most ruthless and merciless boss in town although, I beg to differ.

How am I a Mafia? Unlike cliche stories where the heir is handed over the family business, I built my whole empire by my own blood, sweat and tears. It took years to establish my name up here and now, keeping it at the top till I accomplish my goal is what I aim for.

What is my goal? To leave the Big 3 powerless, a place where even the siblings collectively won't be able to gain back their position. My sole purpose to do this is to give everyone else equal opportunities to rightfully fight for what they deserve.

What's my name? well that is something you'll never know ;)

Before I leave, just remember, 'try to find me, and you'll be just pushed further away.'


As the ACE walked down the darkest alley, they were met with a rusty iron door. Pushing it with their gloved hands, the mafia boss immediately could see the Head quarters. The HQ was one place where the boss could release everything inside their mind.

Entering, all heads in unison bowed down to the boss as a sign of respect. Walking ahead, the brown eyed themselves bowed to everyone lightly in return all while taking a good look at every single person.

Upon sitting on her usual place, an employee rushed towards her table, placing down a small bottle of banana milk. As the employee was leaving, he was instructed to inform the others to bring in all the incomplete files consisting of the details about the people that had to be taken care of, dealings of weapons and other important equipments and about the other mafia groups that wished to be their allies.

In the next ten minutes, five different employees entered the room, handing over the files that were either to be cross-checked or completed by the boss them-self.

With every worker coming in, the boss either questioned them how the work was going on or asked how their families were doing. Most of their answers were on the line of being 'good' or 'better than ever'. The ACE was not a controlling and selfish boss but a firm, kind and authoritative boss that respected all their employees and their personal lives.

The ACE's employees were considered to be the most loyal ones as they were handpicked and trained by the ACE itself. Some of these people were rescued by the ACE while the others being protected under the mafia boss in return of work.


As I was Going through all these files, my eyes landed on the one I've wanted to avoid all my life.

The file of 'PARK JIHYO' .

Jihyo worked for me when I had just started off and played a small role to help me reach where I am. I know, how ironic of someone to work for someone whose sole aim was to wreck her own life. Although, the girl is my favourite amongst the Big 3 siblings. She's easy to read and would give her absolute everything to what she's dedicated to, something I admire about her.

The Park worked for me for almost a year. As soon as she figured out that I was an upcoming mafia, she cut all possible ties with me and this empire, leaving no trace behind. I expected nothing else from her though, it was bound for her to leave the workplace as the Big 3 siblings are strictly prohibited to work under or with someone related to the underground. However, I accepted her in the past because of her exceptional skills and tactics.

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