Chapter - 13

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With a Louis Vuitton handbag in her arms, the said girl was making her way out of the school through the empty hallway. The clacking of her heels was all that could be heard.

"In the mood to slack off today, S?"

She halted in her tracks, the sound of her heels now nullified. That certain nickname, 'S', reminded her of people that she had tried so hard to forget.

She slowly turned around with her signature resting bitch face.

"Why do you care?" said the poised lady.

A scowl was plastered on the boy's face as he said,

"It's been a very long time indeed, Seulgi. Happy to see you again."

"Well, I don't think I can say the same about you...C"

Chanyeol evilly grinned as he strolled in her direction.

"Oh Seulgi, you're still the same; evil and bratty." he said with the corner of his lips curled up into a smirk.

"I don't have time for your shit, what do you want?" spat Seulgi.

"Ouch, not interested in talking to me? Well, soon you will be."

As soon as those words left Chanyeol's mouth, the Kangs eldest rolled her eyes and averted her gaze.

"As far as I know you,"

She said while eyeing him from head to toe.

"You're plotting something, aren't you?"

"Guess you know me too well S."
Said the Parks eldest as he nonchalantly put his hands in his pockets.

Seulgi scoffed as she crossed her arms and disinterestedly spoke,

"What is it?"

Without replying to her question, Chanyeol grabbed her forearm and dragged her into the nearest empty classroom.

"YAH Park Chanyeol, what do you think you're doing?!" the lady yelled as she struggled against his tight grip.

He immediately put a finger on her lips and murmured,

"Careful Seul, someone might hear you."

The handsome boy slowly let her go as she began rubbing the firmly held part.

"What do you want, you imbecile?"

The Kang said while fuming in anger.

"I know your secret. The darkest one that too."

Seulgi's breath got stuck in her throat as she completely froze but to hide her vulnerable state like she always has, she spoke up as though she was uninfluenced;

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh honey, you know exactly what I'm talking about"

"No I don't"

"Yes you do"

The pretty lady tutted, unamused by his words.

"You and Kim Junmyeon,"

She gulped, hard.

"What you both did four years ago,"

He continued with absolute confidence and certainty.

"I. know. everything."

The Park whispered the last three words while closing the distance between the two.

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