Chapter - 44

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Successfully getting away from the paparazzi, the two eldest reached the Kim mansion. The two had decided to talk about this matter to find out who was behind this.

As Seulgi walked inside the mansion, following Junmyeon, the girl grew anxious. She grew anxious because of the questions that she could be bombarded by the Kim siblings.

Almost sensing about how Seulgi was feeling, the eldest Kim spoke up,

"Don't sweat it too much S, no one is home."

Seulgi released the breath she didn't even know she was holding.

Sitting down on the couch placed in the living room, Seulgi had now completely calmed down.

While the eldest Kang calmed down, the male went in to drink water and get some of it for the woman sitting in his living room.

Handing the glass of water to the female, the eldest Kim took a seat on the opposite couch.

"How did ANYONE even get to know about this? From all I remember, it was only the two of us there and then we cleared up each and every single trace that could lead to the revelation. Why  -----"

Without letting the elder finish his ramble, Seulgi cut him off harshly.

"J, I literally have almost a thousand missed calls from Chanyeol only, not counting the ones I've received from my siblings. Could we continue with this discussion a little later? Plus I am sure you've got some calls to answer too?"

As the man processed the words sent his way, he spoke up once again, completely forgetting why he was was cut in the first place.

"Seul, Did Chanyeol do this? If you remember what happened when he wanted to go became an idol, he clearly said how he had found all the details."

Forgetting what the fame was going to do, she quickly shook her head to show how she disagreed with the suggested idea.

"Aniyo, I trust him enough. I don't think he would have the balls to say this out aloud, at least not when he's in a relationship with me."

As he took in each word that came out of the girls mouth, Junmyeon agreed with the fact that Chanyeol was less likely to open their secret out in the public.

After a small and peaceful moment of silence and hard thinking, the Kim spoke up again,

"Logically speaking, it is our fault that we did all of it. Would have been better if we just kept ourselves in our lanes."

The lines triggered something in Seulgi. Whatever she had done was all for her family. The woman didn't want to do it because of fun and so she snapped,

"J you very well know why I did what I did. I legitimately had no option. Me and my family would have been on the streets if not for all this. A simple bankruptcy could have taken all of it away from us and I was not willing to let my family go through shit because of it." 

"You know I didn't do it for fun too. I got into the mafia business so it could benefit our empire."
Replied the male, agitated by the response he had just got.

"See! We both had our own reasons for it. Although none of it matters anymore, since it is now out, what the fuck do we do?"

"I know it doesn't matter and it's not like we can do anything at the moment to stop the consequences of this shitty tweet."
Answered the boy, sounding absolutely clueless.

Seulgi sighed at the answer, because she knew the man was absolutely correct.

Suddenly Seulgi's ringtone started blaring through the two's ears. Quickly seeing that the caller ID belonged to Soojin, She picked up the phone,

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