Chapter - 29

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~long chapter ahead~


Both Yoongi and Jennie were on a date together.

Many milkshakes and lots of teasings later, the pairs eyes caught their younger siblings. They were on the table a little far away from theirs with their friends.

For a solid 10 minutes, both Yoongi and his girlfriend observed Taehyung's and Soojin's behaviour with each other, just staring at each other awkwardly while occasionally talking to each other and the others.

"God! the romantic tension between these two can be sensed from here "
Said Jennie breaking the silence between them.

"I hate to say this but I agree with you"
Answered the male.

Playfully glaring at her boyfriend, Jennie spoke up,

"YAH! Agreeing with your girlfriend for once won't hurt you"

Letting out a soft chuckle Yoongi said,

"I was just joking babe!"

Suddenly, as though completely disregarding the previous conversation, Jennie spoke up with a little too much enthusiasm,

"Hey! Since its obvious that both Soo and Taehyung like each other, how about setting them up?"

Completely intrigued by his girlfriends words, the elder male said,

"I'm listening."

Unfortunately, Jennie had different plans.

"Not now babe first call all your Kim siblings to the Kang mansion."

Obeying the female, the brunette quickly dropped a message to his siblings (except Taehyung) to meet him at the Kang mansion.


All the called Kim siblings walked in together in the mansion.

Junmyeon, completely clueless of why he and his siblings were called for, spoke up,

"We've been summoned?"

"Yes, come on in and sit. There's a lot of tea to spill and plans to make."
Said Jennie, with more than usual enthusiasm.

With everyone settled in, Jennie spilled all the beans and then they together made up their master plan.

"So, is everyone in?"
asked Jin, after they had planned out everything.

"Nooo! She's our baby, I can't let her date already."
whined the eldest Kang sibling.

"Oh shut it S, they're both the same age and clearly like each other a lot."
Sassed the eldest Kim.

Before Hyung and Noona get in a fight for their so called babies, lets get started with our plan. I'm not taking a no as an answer Seulgi noona.
Seokjin, you're up!"

Said Yoongi with his authoritative voice, which made everyone immediately agree with him.


"Seokjin hyung you called me?"
Asked Taehyung while walking into the Kang mansion.

"Yes I did. I really wanted the Big 3 siblings to spend some time together, but everyone has some or the other work."
Answered the questioned man.

"What do you mean by work?"
Asked Soojin, who was climbing down the steps into the living room, genuinely curious of how everyone got work at the same exact time.

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