Chapter - 20

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It had been two minutes of peace for Soojin, on the bleachers, as she sat alone amidst the chaos she called school.


The Kim maknae's rage-filled voice rang through the girl's ear.

"What is it Taehyung-ssi?"

"Taehyung-ssi? Anyways that doesn't matter right now. What matters is who does she think she is-"
the little curiosity in his eyes was now replaced with various emotions.

"Tae, who are you talking about? Tell me what's happening"

Soojin's honey laced voice hit the boy's ears. It relaxed him instantly.

"I'm talking about Chaeyoung! Keep up with me Kang, you know I don't like to take her name!"

"Oh god okay, don't go all ballistic mode on me. Anyways, continue with what you wanted to say initially."

"Oh right! Who does she think she is? Last time I checked, no one important in my life. Why can't she get this in her head? How can she even expect me to get back with her? After all she has done, how can she think, even for a split second, that I will get back with her. Does she really like seeing me all heartbroken? Does she enjoy seeing me all vulnerable just because SHE can go away anytime. ----- "

He didn't stop.

His non stop questions and answers almost made the Kang worry about his mental health.

Without even realising, Soojin put her arm over Tae's shoulder in a comforting manner.

"----- I hate it when I cry because of her at nights. I hate her for breaking my trust. I hate her making me believe that there is no true love. Soojin-ah, even I want to experience true love."

With the last line, Taehyung looked at Soojin with eyes she couldn't read. There were so many emotions displayed.

Anger, Hatred, Compassion, Hurt, love and guilt were all seen in his eyes. But the one thing seen most was to feel true love.

By now the boy was hyperventilating. Soojin quickly caught on the fact that the boy in front of her was going to have a panic attack.

The girl knew she had to help Tae calm down, because having panic attacks was obviously not a joke.

By the time she finished overthinking about panic attacks, the man in her arms was already suffering through one.

Quickly Soojin spoke up,

"Tae, listen to me, look at me and breathe with me.

1 2 3 in and slowly out."

As the girl kept repeating the above lines, Taehyung followed what was told to be done.

"See, we're all okay, I am okay, You are okay, everything's alright"

The way Soojin said those words, it bought comfort to him.

As soon as Tae started understanding what was happening, he threw himself into Soojin's arms.

He started again,

"Soojin-ah, Chae is literally the prettiest girl I've seen. What did god even mix together to build her up? She's such a softie when it comes to people. Her love for food really amazes me. The way she gives everything to the people she loves, it's like watching something unreal. Why was I the only one who she couldn't keep with her? Why was I made the victim of not receiving her love?"

No. Once again, Taehyung didn't stop.

Soojin felt something happen deep inside her stomach, but thinking about how hungry she was, she disregarded it.

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