Chapter - 15

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The three eldest big 3 siblings were stuck on their places with their mouths hung wide open in surprise.

After recovering from the shock, Seulgi realised how cute the Kim and Kang maknae are looking right now.

Their arms were entangled as Soojin's forehead was on Taehyung's shoulder and his cheek was resting on the  brunette's head; they were peacefully asleep.

Seulgi began cooing over them as Junmyeon just slapped her arm.

"Yah Kang Seulgi, they're our siblings!"

The Kim's eldest whisper-yelled as it dawned to the older girl and her wide smile vanished in a snap.

"Oh my god this is so awkward"

The Kang's eldest muttered as Junmyeon and her scurried over to their respective relatives and pulled them away from each other.

Junmyeon carried Taehyung on his back as the younger boy just murmured something but wrapped his arms around his elder brother's neck nontheless. Junmyeon kept uttering how heavy Taehyung had become but had to do it anyway.

Seulgi adjusted Soojin's position on her bed and delicately stroked her hair before getting up.

Chanyeol and Junmyeon left the Kang's mansion at midnight after their discussion with each other as Kim Taehyung was enjoying his hyung's unrecognised presence.



I covered my eyes as the sunlight poured in from the window. I tried to lift myself but terribly failed because of the throbbing pain in my head; must be because of those fucking painkillers ugh.

Somehow I managed to open my eyes as I massaged my head.

Wait, wasn't Taehyung here last night? The thought made me jolt up as my eyes searched for him in my room but found nothing.

He must've left Soojin-ah. I released a long sigh and with the headache, I stepped out of bed to get ready for the day.


My ears were hurting because of the alarm that went off.

I frustratedly grabbed the alarm and switched it off. Oh wait, the alarm is in my room but wasn't I in Soojin's room yesterday?

I slowly opened my eyes and stretched my arms above my head as I got up and glanced around.

This is my room. But I never came here last night. Did someone drop me here?

I drowned in my thoughts and didn't realise that someone had entered my room.

"Hey kiddo, Good morning."

I flinched in surprise at the familiar voice as I looked up.

"Good morning Hyung."

I said with my hoarse morning voice while rubbing my eyes.

"Wondering how you ended up here?"

Junmyeon Hyung asked while leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

I lightly nodded with my eyes half-open.

"You and Soojin dozed off in Seulgi's room in,"

He unlocked his phone and showed a picture to me.

"This position."

My eyed widened at what they just caught as heat rushed up to my cheeks.

Hyung began chuckling as he tousled my hair and softly said,

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