Chapter - 32

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Soojin thought she was going to have a peaceful coffee today, but boy was she wrong.

Park Chaeyoung, her arch nemesis, was trailing right behind her.

Soojin walked up to the counter to giver her order, ordering a large Americano, to kill all the sleep in her body, as she had to study for the upcoming tests in class.

Receiving the order, Soojin started to walk towards a free a table.

Before Soojin could even sit down, she heard a voice coming from behind.

"Well, I heard that You and Taehyung are dating now. Am I correct?"

Immediately recognising the annoying voice, the Kang maknae turned around with her resting bitch face on. She answered,

"Oh Yeah, you're absolutely correct. You got any problem with that Ms. Park?"

"No, not really, its just that I find it funny how he asked you out even when he's still totally into me"
Said the Park, trying to provoke the girl standing in front of her.

Chae's antics were working completely in her favour because the Kang's youngest was getting angrier by the minute. Letting out a forced Laugh, she spoke up,

"You and your delusional mind Chaeyoung. Just for your kind information, there is absolutely nothing like that."

"Oh certainly there is. I still remember how sweetly he talked to me just yesterday. The way he looked at me was just so adorable."
Argued the strawberry blonde.

"Oh! Well then I'm glad that the conversation between you both went well."

By now, the Kang maknae was too irritated and totally not in the mood to fight more, which is why she tried to end the whole conversation. But Park Chaeyoung totally had different plans. The pretty girl spoke up again, just to annoy the youngest Kang,

"But you know, like I just said, the way he still looks at me clearly proves how much he is still in love with me."

This had ticked every last nerve in Soojin's body. She hardly slammed the coffee in her hand, on the table and spoke up,

"Bitch you're just Jealous, so now if we're done with this pointless conversation, I'm leaving."

Now, everyone had their eyes intently fixed on the two ladies. Chaeyoung knew this. She also knew that backing out now would hurt her own ego and she'll loose the chances to have Taehyung back. So, to keep the argument going on, the girl spoke up yet again,

"Oh I'm SO not jealous. I'm stating clear facts. In fact, I know how happy he was when I came here. He even told me so that same day."

Knowing the complete truth, the Kang spoke up,

"Oh Shut the fuck up Park Chaeyoung! Tae told me every single thing that happened between the both of you. He even told me how much you broke him by leaving him without ANY reason. So I'd suggest for you to stop with this funny business of yours. I'm telling you it won't end well for you"

Chaeyoung knew how right Soojin was, but she wasn't the one to back out from a fight and so she continued while casually shrugging her shoulders,

"Again, I just stated facts."

Once again, Chaeyoung got on every last nerve of Soojin's. To end this argument once and for all, Soojin used the trick she knew would work the best,

"Ugh fuck it, you know what, do whatever comes in that psychotic mind of yours, but just stay miles away from me and MY man."

With that said, Chaeyoung got excessively furious. He was hers and hers only. She swiftly took the coffee in Soojin's hand, opened the lid quickly and threw the coffee in the Kang's direction.

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