Chapter - 50

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During the past few days, yoongi noticed how the Kim maknaes had been distancing themselves from the two eldest Kims. not knowing what was going on, the rapper tried talking to the two, only to be interrupted by his girlfriend's call. 

now during recess, yoongi glanced at jisoo and taehyung only to notice the two avoiding junmyeon and namjoon and sitting at the other table. he sighed and decided to try having a conversation with them again, to be interrupted for the second time. but this time it wasn't Jennie interrupting the rapper, it was the intercom making an announcement for the students.

"Can we please have Kim junmyeon, Kim namjoon, Kim yoongi, Kim jisoo, Kim taehyung, kang seulgi, kang seokjin, kang jennie, kang soojin, park chanyeol, park jihyo, park sooyoung and park jimin at the principal's office please? Can we please have Kim junmyeon, Kim namjoon, Kim yoongi, Kim jisoo, Kim taehyung, kang seulgi, kang seokjin, kang jennie, kang soojin, park chanyeol, park jihyo, park sooyoung and park jimin at the principal's office please?"

all the siblings peered at each other with a frown plastered on their faces. the big3 siblings hesitantly got up and made their way towards the principal's office, whispering to each other about what must have possibly gone wrong.

junmyeon pushed the door open and entered first, followed by the others.

they found the old, fogey principal seated on her leather faux chair, her hands clasped on the table. she looked up upon hearing the door open to take a good look at each of the sibling. the big3 members stood in a long line, avoiding the strict, grey haired lady's heavy gaze.

"I am highly disappointed in all of you,"

"oh look who's speaking"

seokjin muttered under his breath, visible dark circles under his eyes. One could clearly notice his weary face and slumped shoulders. he heard Jennie quietly snicker beside him and smirked, knowing how he had begun to speak without any filter lately.

the principal cleared her throat and started speaking with utter firmness in her voice.

"I am highly disappointed in all of you. from everything revealed in the past few weeks, it will be better if I give you a week's suspension so that you all can reflect on your actions and see for yourself if what you have done is right or wrong."

jisoo huffed and said,

"ma'am, you cannot do this considering some of us here are seniors and need to get extra credit and perfect scores in tests so that we don't lose our seats in the university."

the elderly woman scoffed and leaned back in her chair,

"as if you'll need any of those so called credits to acquire those seats. you belong to the big3 so your seat will never be gone."

Jennie sighed and uttered,
"even if we belong to the big3, we still have to work for our grades."

the principal just ignored the brunette's comment and spoke up while directing her gaze to the others.

"it is best for you all to not argue with me because you all are already in deep waters. so if you don't want to increase your suspension time, just agree to it and leave."

With a scowl on his handsome featured Jimin said,

"you're only doing this to save your and this shitty organisation's reputation"

"language Mr. Park Jimin. and for your information, I'm only doing this for your sake."

The authority stated, her tone softening towards the end.

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