Chapter - 49

48 3 0


Wait for me!!"

"YAH! Stop walking like a turtle and hurry up! We still need to cover many more stores!"

Park Chaeyoung huffed, amused that her unnie actually had a knack for shopping. Well yes, the strawberry blonde had thought that taking Kim Jisoo for shopping at the mall would better her mood after the breakup, afterall, it's besties code ;) But, she clearly had no idea that it would make the elder completely forget about everything and roam around like a child.

The two had been hurling around for the past three hours, buying all kinds of cosmetics, clothes and accessories. After discovering that they were hungry as fuck, they did a quick stop and grabbed some burgers from McDonald's.

And now presently, the younger had been struggling with carrying all their shopping bags while the elder  was gleefully scurrying around, trying to figure out which brand to explore next.

As Jisoo's sparkly eyes fell on the arcade, without question she rushed inside like a kid who had just found his favorite toy.
Chaeyoung sighed and shook her head, smiling as she followed the red headed woman into the arcade.

This is where it was total chaos for the two girls as they explored each and every game. But as they arrived at the car racing games, they found two people they never expected to see here.

"Yooooo i finally crossed him!"

"And I finally won the race!"


And the bickering continued. Between who? Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. The two boys had been rubbing their asses off to acquire some points at the one of the car racing games for the past hour, one of their tactics to loosen up a little once every while.

Jisoo couldn't help but giggle at the two. As soon as the two got up, while still glaring at each other, Rosè ran upto Park maknae and engulfed him in a hug, trying to make the other boy jealous.

But little did she know, the Kim maknae was busy texting his only girlfriend, telling her that they will go on a ramen date after he comes back from the mall.

While Chaeyoung's dark brown orbs were fixated on Taehyung, trying to get some reaction from him, she didn't notice that Jimin was caught off guard and had now turned into a deep shade of red, contemplating whether he should hug the strawberry blonde back or not.

Failing to get Taehyung off of his phone, Rosè disappintedly released Jimin.

"Hey! What are you two doing here?"
Rosè happily uttered with her hopeful eyes on Taehyung but Taehyung being himself, paid no heed to the poor girl and walked up to his sister who was busy trying to buy some tickets for herself and her bestfriend.

"Oh nothing much! both of us were getting bored so we decided to come here and ease our boredom as you can see."
Said Jimin while still trying to process Rosè's hug.

"I see. So~
What are you two planning to do afterwards?"
Chaeyoung said with a wicked smirk.

The Park cocked an eyebrow and said,

"Wae? Do you have anything in mind? Cuz by the looks of it, I'm pretty sure that Soojin and Tae have a date after this."

Rosè stepped closer to the male and brushed off imaginary dust from his shirt, looking up at him with a flirtatious look as Jimin smirked back at her.

"We can do whatever you want."
The strawberry blonde whispered in his ear, her soft lips brushing against the Park's earlobe.

Park Jimin had a wide smirk on his face as he peered around. Upon not finding the Kim siblings anywhere near,  the male glanced at rose only to be pulled by the mentioned girl into the nearest washroom.

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