Chapter - 23

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"Here you go Boss, just two more files are left after this, BamBam hyung himself will come and give them to you"

said Hyunjin, an employee that has been with me since day one.

I started checking the files but all I could think of was how good my life was going on as of now. My mind was totally out of it as I kept wondering about how that one person makes my heart beat so fast.

In general the big three siblings have been in a better place and I'm grateful for that.

Don't get me wrong, I still do want my revenge but seeing them happy and low-key in love is nice.

I don't understand how, but because of these people, I have started being more cheerful and happy.

In general I believe that the Kangs are the most stable out of all their relationships amongst each other, something that is commendable where as the Kims have started behaving weirdly around each other.

As someone who has observed the big 3 since a long time I can say that this generation Park siblings are not at all included with the other two. In fact it seems that the Park siblings themselves are distributed into groups.

My thoughts were disrupted by the knocks on my Cabin's door.

"Come on in"

I said in with an unusual enthusiasm laced around my voice.

Someone sounds happy, are you finally in love with someone?"

Responded Bambam, as he entered my cabin.

"Not funny Bam"

I said with my poker face, after which Bam erupted into fits of laughter.

"Yah, stop laughing and tell me why you're here already"

"Damn jeez chill! Anyways, on a serious note, check this file with utmost attention. Not at all something that you'll expect."

"Oh well then, I guess I'm in on a surprise"

"Oh you sure are ACE"

With that, Bambam bid his farewell and left my cabin.

Unlike what Bam had said, I completely disregarded the file in front of me and dived right back into my thoughts. 

Thinking about how happy everyone is behaving with each other nowadays, my thoughts directly landed upon the mysterious boy of big3. Yes, Kim Yoongi. 

That boy can't even be subtle of his feelings, its just the woman who is very dense and totally unaware of her own feelings. I believe the entrance of that woman in Yoongi's life was very helpful for him. He's rarely missing anymore, happier and has started treating the other big3 families better. I just hope he can stick through after everything that is going to come his way. 

Yoongi's younger sister, Kim Jisoo, another girl helplessly oblivious about her own feelings towards Kang Seokjin. This year, it really feels like she's over the mishap that happened between her and Jennie. It feels like she's finally ready to let go of the sad memories, and make better ones with other people. Let's wish for her to stay mentally strong when I play out my masterplan. 

Kang Jennie,  the mean girl of entire Seoul. But is she tough enough? Both her best friends left her, her ex cheated on her, her family was almost broken apart because of her, people bash her for having a neutral resting bitch face. But does she crumple below it all? No. she won't now and she won't ever, but my masterplan could directly eradicate her and no one but me would be able to help her. 

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