Chapter - 12

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I was literally scurrying down the hallway that leads to the library.

I texted Namjoon to be there in the library for our regular lessons half an hour ago but ended up overriding the time myself.

I pushed the doors open to the library to see Namjoon look up from his phone and wave at me.

Panting, I waved at him aswell.

"You're...half an hour late."

He said with a stern voice. Did I mention that Namjoon is a VERY punctual person? And that he doesn't like it when someone doesn't follow the time?

"I am so so sorry. The history teacher ended up-"

He didn't let me complete my sentence as he lifted his hand in the air to shut me up.

"It's okay, let's start, I have to be home early." he stated.

Damn, why so serious today smart kid?

I didn't argue further considering Namjoon wasn't in a good mood and sat down while keeping my bag aside.

"We will do physics today."

He said and started off with the lesson.

I tried to concentrate but one, physics is too boring and two, has Namjoon always been this fine-looking or am I just assuming things?

Aish, fuck it; I cannot pay attention at Thermodynamics when a boy is making my heart flutter like this.

I deeply sighed and titled my head in a better angle to look at him.

I placed my hand beneath my chin and began admiring his charismatic features.

Those dimples whenever he smiles, those cavernous eyes as they sparkle everytime he's happy, those lips-

"Jihyo, are you okay?" Namjoon patted my cheek as he said this while trying to read my face with his curious eyes.

"Y-Yeah obviously, what's wrong?"

I asked as I cleared my throat and moved back from the close proximity between our faces.

"I legit asked you three times whether you understood this chapter or not but you looked a little zoned out."

He said while still scanning my face with concern and worry.

"No, I mean yeah, I got it." I said while giggling nervously.

"Okay then. I'll see you at my house tomorrow, for our next dance lesson."

I frantically nodded, still trying to recover from my zoned out state. He grabbed his bag and motioned me to keep all the books back in their respective shelves.

I gave him a thumbs up as he muttered 'annyeong' while lifting himself from his seat.

I shook my head and massaged my temples. 'Yah, what the hell is wrong with me!? Why do I end up daydreaming so much in front of him?'

I pushed those thoughts out of my mind and picked up all the books to be kept back.

I dusted off my hands and as I turned around, an ear piercing scream left my mouth upon finding Jisoo right behind me with her hands on her hips.

"You scared the shit out of me!"

I said while hitting her arms mercilessly but she didn't move an inch.

"What were you doing there staring at my brother with those heart eyes????"

She asked while moving her face closer to mine.

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