Hotel room

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This story contains many mature scenes of rape and violence which maybe not comfortable for many readers to read. Read on your own risk.

This story do not encourage rape or violence.

A hotel room was surrounded by people, as a murder was happened there, police men were there too looking at the incident.

The whole place was sealed by the police and entry was not allowed.

The whole place was sealed by the police and entry was not allowed

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"Come officer Haikuan...we were waiting for you...."said officer Jiyang.

They walked quickly to the crime scene.

"Sir...the room is very messy looks like the victim and ths murderer had a fight...."said a officer.

"Hmmm...let me check...."said Haikuan and wore his gloves.

Haikuan entered the hotel room and looked at the bed with a girl covered with a white sheet.

"Sir...looks like she was raped too ..."said Jiyang sadly.

"Have you found something..."asked Haikuan.

"Sir there is have sent the specimens to the lab for report...."said Jiyang.

"What about the cctv footage..."asked Haikuan.

"Sir unfortunately the cameras were not working from a few days..."told Jiyang.

"Ok...take the statement of everyone present here...."said Haikuan.

"Okay sir..."said Jiyang

"And...send the body for postmartem...."said Haikuan and leaved the place.

In police station
"It's the third time a girl is raped.... it's getting worse..."said Haikuan.

"What do you think it the same person or different...."asked Jiyang.

"Hmm....we can't say we have found nothing until yet....we need to find the clues or it will be a shame for our department......"said Haikuan.

"Yes sir...."said Jiyang.

"Yibo...did you heard.... someone killed Yizi...."said a boy.

"Yes I know......"said Yibo calmly.

"How can you be so calm Yibo....she was killed in a hotel room and the police told that she was raped too...."said the boy.

"I know Xuan....just get the fuck out of here now...."yelled Yibo.

"Why are you behaving like this Yibo...."asked Xuan.

"Please Xuan....I don't want to talk...."said Yibo.

"Fine Yibo...I am going...."said Xuan and went away.

Next day at University
"Hey Xuan...."said Yibo happily and went towards him.

"What happened you are so happy today...."asked Xuan.

"Nothing... Just like that..."said Yibo.

"Are you not sad about Ruan...."asked Xuan.

"I know...but is there any use mourning for someone who is already gone..."said Yibo.

"Hmm... good...I was worried about you...."said Xuan.

As a boy came running towards Yibo and grabbed Yibo's collar.

"How dare you kill her Wang Yibo....why did you killed even raped her...."said the boy with tears in his eyes.

"Leave me...Li Shen.... get away from me...."yelled Yibo and pushed him away.

"You killed her killed are the culprit..."shouted Shen.

Yibo walked away from there silently.

"What was he saying Yibo..."asked Xuan.

"Do you believe him Xuan...."asked Yibo.

"Not at all Yibo...."said Xuan.

"That's enough... I don't want to explain anything."said Yibo and started walking again.

They entered inside their class and sat on their seats. As a boy entered their class.

 As a boy entered their class

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"Wow.....who is this cutie...."said Wang Yibo.

"Looks like he is a new student here...."said Xuan.

"It will be fun..."said Yibo with a smile.

The teacher entered the classroom.

"Good morning i want you all to meet your new classmate....he is Xiao Zhan... he is new to this city and this university too so I hope you all can get along well....and you all can help him..."said the teacher.

"Sure sir..."shouted Yibo.

Few hours before in police station

"Sir we have the reports... according to it the girl was raped then she was suffocated and then the killer used some sharp object to kill her..."said Jiyang.

"Hmmm....and what information do you get from the interrogated people..."asked Haikuan.

"Sir.... according to that...we have suspected a boy of his university...his name is Wang Yibo..."said Jiyang.

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