Secrets unfold

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Few hours later
Zhan walked back to his room and saw Yibo sleeping peacefully.

"Yibo.....wake up...."said Zhan while shaking him gently.

Yibo opened his eyes and saw Zhan.

"Wake up Yibo....i have brought food for you...."said Zhan with a small.

Zhan moved a tray in front of Yibo was suprised to see all his favourite food.

"Wow.....rice noodles and pork belly soup...."said Yibo excitedly.

"Hmm....see your favourite eat it...."said Zhan.

"But how do you know my favourite dishes...."asked Yibo.

"Enn.....i just eat first...."said Zhan and sat there while looking at his phone.

Yibo completed the food and kept the tray side, Zhan walked to him and gave the medicines to him.

"Yibo....i need to go.... just sleep here...."said Zhan and picked up the tray and walked outside the room.

Few minutes later
Zhan reached the head quarter.
"How is the search going Haikuan....."asked Zhan.

"I was waiting for you only Zhan....we were about to go for the interrogation of that guard his reports are here and there is a clear presence of drugs....."said Haikuan.

"Okay....lets go....."said Zhan and they walked to the interrogation room.

"Sir.... please leave me....i have not done anything...."cried the guard.

Zhan moved to him and slapped his face hard.

"Tell me.....from how longer are you taking drugs....and what all you know about this..."shouted Zhan.

"Sir....i don't know anything....."said the guard while crying.

"You will not speak like this.... Haikuan....give me my stick...."said Zhan and Haikuan handed him a stick.

Zhan started hitting him badly, while the guard was trembling trying to hide from Zhan's merciless beatings while yelling loudly.

"Sir...sir....i will tell you.... please don't beat anymore...."said the guard.

"Okay speak...."said Zhan as he stopped.

"Sir....i use to take drugs from vei before.....when I even didn't started working.....and it was such a addiction....if I had told them I take drugs they will not give me that job and I was in a great need for money, so I lied.
One the hotel's owner son taking drugs, so he came to me and offered me drugs at a cheap rate, in exchange of keeping his secret, so I agreed and he started delivering it to me everyday....he generally used to come at night before my shift gets over but the day the murder happened two boys came in the afternoon and told me that they are sent by the hotel's owner and gave me some different drug saying they are better than the previous and asked me to try them too. I don't want to but they forced me and as I tried them everything in front of my eyes started to get blurry and I felt like I was in a different world....and i could barely sense anything...."said the guard.

"That didn't saw anyone.... neither that boy nor that girl entering Inside the hotel...."asked Haikuan and the guard shook his head.

Zhan slapped him angrily.

"How dare you lie to will see the consequences....i will make sure to make your life hell.... just wait...."said Zhan and kicked the guard.

"Catch that hotel's owner he can only tell all the story...."said Zhan.

"Yes Zhan...."said Haikuan and they walked outside the room fo Zhan's cabin

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