Special drug

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Next morning
Yibo woke up and looked around but he didn't found Zhan beside him. He moved  a little to get up from his bed as heard some jingling sound. He looked at the direction of the sound as he found one of his ankle tied up with a very long chain from the wall.

"He don't trust me....."thought Yibo and sighed.

He saw a paper kept on the side table as he picked it up he saw Zhan have written a message for him.

"Your food is on the table eat it and take the medicines, i have prepared clothes for you, you can bath if you want....i will be back in the afternoon, so don't even think to do anything...."

Yibo stood up and walked towards the attached bathroom, he bathed and wore the clothes as he sat on the bed. He took the food and ate it and took his medicines too as ordered by Zhan.

"How good it feels when someone is there to take care of you....but see me....he is taking care of me....but on the cost of this...."said Yibo and chukkled while looking at his ankle.

"I know.... afterall I am a criminal in his eyes....what more can I even expect him to do...."said Yibo.

Few minutes later
Yibo was sitting in ideally on the bed as he have nothing to do and he can't even go outside the room as he was tied up with the chain. He looked around the room as his eyes fell on a photograph. It was a woman's picture with a kid.

"Looks like she is Zhan's mother...."thought Yibo as he looked at it.

There was another photo beside it and in the picture Zhan was grown up and the lady was looking too young and beautiful.

"Who is she then.... Zhan's girlfriend...."thought Yibo as his face turned sad. He walked back from there
and started searching around the room to find something to keep him busy as he found a jigsaw puzzle in one of the drawers. He took them out and started solving it.

Zhan reached the police headquarters.
"So what's the report Haikuan.."asked Zhan.

"Zhan....that boy is still not speaking anything...."said Haikuan.

"Okay....keep beating he will surely say something....."said Zhan as he started searching something in his files.

"What are you searching for Zhan...."asked Haikuan.

"case files of Shen and Yizi...."said Zhan.

"But why...."asked Haikuan.

"Listen to me Haikuan..... I don't know why....but I am feeling we are doing something wrong.....i don't think Yibo is the culprit...."said Zhan.

"But we have all the evidences to prove him the culprit...."said Haikuan.

"I know Haikuan....that is what making me crazy....i never felt like this before....i am feeling guilty.....and I don't know why...."said Zhan.

"But what happened...."asked Haikuan as Zhan told him everything what happened with Yibo.

"I don't think.....a boy who can't even withstand darkness can do something like this...."said Zhan.

"Wow...Zhan it's the first time I am seeing you taking the side of a criminal...."said Haikuan.

"I am not taking anyone's side....i just don't want someone who is not guilty get the punishment...."said Zhan.

"Okay Zhan....i understand...."said Haikuan.

"If you understand.....then please search again....you will might find some clue..."said Zhan.

"Okay Zhan....i will send Jiyang with a team back to that hotel....the room is still sealed....they will search there ...."said Haikuan.

"Thanks Haikuan...."said Zhan and walked outside.

Behind the reality(Zhanyi)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα