Happy moments

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"Tell me boy.....what all do you know about this drug connection...."said Haikuan as he slapped the boy.

"I...i....will tell you....sir....my name is Zerun......i was in my high school when I first met Shen....we became very close friends and one day he offered me some drugs....at that time i took it just for show off but later I realised....i got addicted to it....he used to give me drugs almost everyday....but one day that guard caught me....so I thought to offer him the drugs at cheap rate....
One day Shen told me about a girl he was interested in...so I gave him the idea that my father's hotel is the best place to do his work....the cameras there are not working....and there is a secret way to enter that hotel from my house....just my father and I know about it....after we planned everything we have to handle the guard at last....and Shen's friends did that by giving him the drugs.
We took care that we don't leave any evidence. I thought....he will only use her but when I got to know he killed her I was very scared.... because it happened in my father's hotel. But then he told me his plan to trap Yibo....he went to a drug dealer....he is the only open drug dealer....other dealers are maybe hidden and keep changing their places....so it will be easy for him to get caught....Shen convinced him by giving money, that when police will ask him he will tell that Yibo took drugs from him...and this way....Yibo will be suspected..."said Zerun.

"Wow....you really planned very well.... what all things you know about them..."said Haikuan.

"This was not the first time....Shen and his friends did it before too and raped the girls...."said Zerun as Haikuan slapped him again.

"Sir.... please....i didn't did anything... please leave me...."cried Zerun.

"Not now....first we need to record your statement...."said Haikuan and walked away from there.

He walked to his cabin and called Zhan.
"Hello....what is it Haikuan...."asked Zhan.

"Zhan....that boy confessed everything....it was Shen...."sai Haikuan.

"I know....Yibo told me everything too....i will tell you when I will come there...."said Zhan.

"Okay Zhan...."said Haikuan and cut the call.

Zhan's home
Yibo was sleeping silently on the bed as Zhan went and sat beside him.

"No doubt you are just like me Yibo..... always lose your control because of some horrible past...."said Zhan and ruffled Yibo's hairs.

After sometime, Yibo opened his eyes and saw Zhan looking at him while smiling.

"Why are you smiling...."asked Yibo.

"You look so cute when you are sleeping..."said Zhan and poked Yibo's cheeks.

"I am not cute...."said Yibo with a pout.

"Okay....wake up now....want to go for a walk....can you walk now...."asked Zhan and Yibo shook his head.

"You still have pain there...."asked Zhan with a worried look.

"Yeah....i have and all because of you....you will not understand.....how hard it is for me....it really pains...."said Yibo sadly.

"Okay okay.....i am sorry....do you want me to do something for you...."asked Zhan and Yibo spread his hands for Zhan to pick him up.

"Ahh.... little boy...."said Zhan and picked up Yibo and took him to the living room.

"Sit here....i will cook something for you...."said Zhan and placed Yibo on the sofa.

"Do you want some snacks..."asked Zhan.

"No....but I want something to do....i am getting bored...."said Yibo.

"Here take it....play there are many games...."said Zhan and gave his phone to Yibo.

"You are giving me your phone...."asked Yibo with a suprised expression.

"Yeah....is there any problem....open it... it's password is 3218....."said Zhan.

Yibo entered the password and the screen opened as Yibo saw Zhan a black wallpaper on Zhan's screen.

"Why....black...."asked Yibo.

"There is nothing to use as Screen wallpaper....and the in built themes was not so good...."said Zhan.

"Oo....I see...."said Yibo and started playing games on the phone.

Few hours later
Zhan placed different type of foods on the table.

"This much food....who is going to eat this...."asked Yibo.

"You...."said Zhan plainly.

"I can't eat this much...."said Yibo with a frown.

"Just eat.....how much you want.... okay...."said Zhan and sat beside Yibo.
Zhan took a plate and moved the food forward in front of Yibo. He opened his mouth without any protest and started eating it happily.

"You cook really well...."said Yibo while chewing.

"Ahhh.....i learnt how to cook after my mother left me...."said Zhan.

"What happened to your mother...."asked Yibo.

"She....commited suicide...."said Zhan and Yibo can't believe his ears what he heard.

"Sorry....."said Yibo an decided not to ask anything further.

"It's okay...."said Zhan and started feeding Yibo again.

"Will you not eat...."asked Yibo.

"Let me feed you first....then I will eat...."said Zhan as Yibo took the plate from his hand.

"I can eat on my own....you eat first...."said Yibo and started eating on his own.

"Okay.... okay.....i am eating...."said Zhan and took a plate and started eating with Yibo.

After sometime, Zhan gave the medicines to Yibo.

"Zhan....you know.....i am sorry...for what I did you with you at the university.....i troubled you too much...."said Yibo.

"Ahh....no doubt you have troubled me a lot.... it's not like I was not capable....i f I want I should have beat you so hard that you will not wake up from bed for months....but all these deeds of yours gave me enough time to do my investigation...."said Zhan with a chukle.

"Still.....i am sorry...."said Yibo slowly.

"Don't worry.... it's okay....i should be the one saying sorry to you...."said Zhan as he looked at Yibo and found him yawning.

"If you are feeling sleepy....then you can sleep....the medicines are very powerful....you must be feeling drowsy...."said Zhan.

"No....i am good..."said Yibo while he was busy playing games on Zhan's phone.

"Okay...."said Zhan and started working on his laptop as felt something heavy on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Yibo sleeping on his shoulder.

"Ahh....this kid...."said Zhan with a chukle and made Yibo's head lay on his lap and his body comfortably on the sofa.

"Sir.....we have found that Shen is the main culprit in Yizi's murder case...."said Haikuan.

"But.....we still want that boy Yibo... isn't he the one who killed Shen.....and about Shen....he is already dead....so what are we even going to do by proving him the culprit...."said Yizhou.

"But chief.....we have to clear Yibo's name from it...."said Haikuan.

"It doesn't matter.... just put the blame on him..... anyways he is going to get the punishment...."said Yizhou and walked away.

"I need to talk to Zhan...."thought Haikuan.

Hope you like it 😊
So Zhan's and Yibo's relationship is mending up....but there are still some hurdles to come in their way.

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