New criminal

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Wang mansion
It was weekend so Yibo and his father were sitting on the sofa, Yibo's father was doing some work while watching TV.

As Xuan entered inside their house.

"Good morning uncle...."said Xuan.

"Ahh....Xuan.....come son...."said Yibo's father welcoming him politely.

"What are you here early in the morning..."asked Yibo.

"Is this a way to talk to your friend Yibo...."said Yibo's father.

" worries uncle....he talks to me like this only..... actually i came here to talk with Yibo..... yesterday he was looking very down...."said Xuan.

"Looking down....hmm.....i think you must have some I saw him yesterday....he was laughing, smiling and blushing.....he even ate his food in a hurry...."said Yibo's father while laughing.

"Dad....stop it....i was not blushing or laughing...."said Yibo shyly.

"Ahh.... really..."said Yibo's father as his phone runged.

"I need to take this two talk...i will be back soon...."said Yibo's father and walked away.

"C'mon Yibo tell me what happened.... something exciting...."said Xuan while walking towards Yibo and sat beside Yibo.

"Nothing Xuan...."said Yibo.

"Yibo....there is nothing to hide.... c'mon just tell me....we are know we share everything.... didn't we...."said Xuan.

"Ahh....Xuan.... it's that.... yesterday Zhan came to me and agreed to be my friend.....and he video called me last night and we talked...."said Yibo while smiling shyly.

"Woohhh...... when did all this didn't even told me.... looks like this Zhan melted my cool boy's heart..."said Xuan while teasing Yibo.

"Yeah there is nothing like that...."said Yibo.

"I know like him.....there is nothing to hide....i am with you from your childhood.... I know you very well...."said Xuan.

"But.... I don't think he will ever accept me Xuan...."said Yibo sadly.

"Atleast you can give it a try...."said Xuan as Yibo's father came there.

"It's the 10th rape and murder case of this week......cases are getting increasing day by day and the local police can't able to catch the victim...."said the reporter inside the Tv.

"What is happening here ....i just hope everything went back to normal soon...."said Yibo's father while looking at the Tv.

Yibo and Xuan also heard the news and saw Yibo's father mumbling something.

"Dad.... what happened...."asked Yibo.

"Ahh...Yibo, i came here to tell you....i have some important I have to go now....i will come back till don't forget to eat your lunch and take care of yourself...."said Yibo's father and hugged Yibo and walked away.

"According to the sources....this killer first rape and then kill the victim....his victim's include not only girls but also boys....he even leave deadly marks on them..... The first rape and murder was reported one week ago and according to the investigation of the local police this person enters different universities as a students and target his prey to kill them...."said the reporter.

"Wow.... isn't it strange Yibo....Zhan also came to our university one week ago....a strange boy....came to the university in between the session....and always lost from the class.... isn't it creepy..."said Xuan.

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