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                                                               "Let me know who is it."

All eyes snapped on the person, who just had the gut to say this, and to their disappointment, once again the least interested person said the most important thing.

Jake Collins.

Shawn being Shawn, stepped in front of him, "How do you know? Did you do anything to her? Did you take any advantage of her when she was unconscious? Because then I'm just gonna rip off your throat and fed it to the bears, you understand me?"

Jake shot him a weird look, "With her? Ew, I have got a standard, you prick."

"Are you saying that-"

Rose cut him off, "Stop both of you, Jake, please tell me, let me know who is it," she sniffled. Her heart started to pump faster, she wanted to know, whoever it was, she wanted to know him, maybe remember him again, she was panicking hard, to know who it was, who gave her such a gift that came to her as a blessing. A blessing that was gonna change her life.

Jake cleared his throat, but got cut off, by Rick," How do we know that you're telling us the truth?" 

"Why would I lie?" Jake replied.

"Maybe because you never cared for her," Ethan retorted, huffing.

"Look, all I wanted to do was help, if you don't want it, then fine by me," Jake said, his eyes showing blank expression.

"I want to know," Rose pleaded, "Please, I need to know."

"Okay," Jake shot a look to Arnold that simply bore one message I-know-you-won't-like-it-but-I'm-sorry.

Jake opened his mouth but once again got cut off, this time, just the person who he expected, and that meant Arnold understood who he was going to refer.

"Don't you think we should talk about it at first? If you know just staying here two days, then I also know," Arnold said, his tone warning, his eyes holding fear, once again, he lost, this time was a very big defeat, he lost the girl once again, was there any way Rose could escape this? 

He could escape this? Or simply he could just tell his name instead, sure it was gonna hurt him, a lot, knowing that child was not his, but just for the sake of Rose, he could take the responsibility of the unborn child, right?

Jake, probably understanding the situation, offered him a smile, "Arnold, I don't want any of them getting any wrong idea, I know you want to help or something, but trust me, although you stayed here longer than me, you don't know what I know," he once again shot him a look and mouthed "I'll tell you later."

Jake knew what he was doing very well, but he also wanted Arnold to step aside, he found Rose after a long time, the truth was worth it and the least thing he needed was Arnold messing things up, he knew very well, if Arnold got the chance, he wouldn't let the truth come out, he was as blind, as obsessed with the brown-headed girl.

Jake then turned to Rose, "Rose, I know you don't remember me, but I remember you, the same polite junior in my math class, who could answer all of the problems within a minute, but you had no pride for that, the same girl with whom an important athlete in our school fell in love."

Rose was smiling till she heard the last sentence coming out of his mouth, someone fell in love with her? Who was it? Was it someone she knew?

Probably sensing her confusion, Jake smiled, "Sit here, Rose," he motioned to the green grass, "Let me tell you a story."

Arnold interrupted, "Just tell the name, damn it, you don't have to remember her everything."

"What's your problem?" said Landon, furrowing his eyebrows.

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