Best For You

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                                "Whatever is going to happen, is best for you."

The night had begun when Rose sat there wondering actually how her life got into the mess, she knew very well, that she never was used to this life, but somehow her natural instincts kept her alive, she wondered how she was raised, what was her family like, she cringed thinking all of the time when she kept running and fighting and sometimes she didn't even know what fruits she had, was there any possibilities that her unborn child was somehow hurt?

She frowned and shook her head, the last thing she needed was to overthink. She tried to focus on remembering, what Edward looked like, she just remembered his chocolate brown eyes, and his somehow messy curly hair, but Arnold was right, that was not enough.

Back to Arnold, how did he think of her? She somehow felt like he thought of her as a best friend, but her gut feeling told her it was more than that. Anyways, now he was supportive of her, he even gave her his number to call.

Her thought suddenly got tangled with the mysterious person, Jake. Why he was helping her? There were so many times Arnold warned Rose not to hang out or speak to Jake. 


And the fact that, if he was a bad person, why he was helping her? The most needed help in her life, what was the truth?

She didn't see someone coming in unless the figure sat right next to her and suddenly started crying, she flinched and her light brown eyes met the dark brown ones.

Without hesitation, she pulled the figure into a hug before soothing her back, "Hey, what's wrong? Shhh, it's okay."

"No," she kept sobbing, "How are you saying it's okay when the person you've developed a liking towards is going to propose to another girl?"

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"Gabby," Rose gasped, "What are you saying?"

"Yes, I overheard them talking about how Shawn was going to take her on a walk and all others would decorate the place where he was going to propose," She hiccupped, "I know he's too good, I mean just look at him, where do you get a combination like that? Good-looking, good no weird humor, bubbly, funny, cute, gentleman, but at the same time can get protective, and has a little bit bad boy vibe and good-looking and...cute and can cook...and flirty...and did I mention good looking and bubbly?"

Rose didn't bother to cut off her rambling, she felt proud to see her best friend liking an awesome person who likes him back.

She nodded to Gabby's question stiffing back a laugh, funny how Gabby didn't have a clue the girl was she.

"Gabby, Gabby, what am I gonna do with you?" she laughed not holding back, Gabby's face reddened, "I know it's stupid to cry in front of your crush's best friend, but...I just needed a female sympathy, I thought you could understand me," she pouted and then shrugged," forget I ever said anything."

As she tried to get up, Rose started laughing more, "Gabby, listen to me, sit here."

Much to her dismay, she still sat beside her crush's best friend and her good friend.

"Don't jump to a conclusion, I know, sometimes we think we are right, but maybe the behind-the-scenes is a little complicated," Rose said smiling, "Whatever you are feeling, if that's true, don't worry, you'll get the best. Do you know if you believe something whole-heartedly, you are more likely to get it?"

Gabby's eyebrows knotted in confusion, "But..."

"Gabby, just give it time, don't worry, whatever is going to happen, is best for you."

"How would you know?" Gabby mumbled sniffling, Rose opened her mouth to protest but stopped, she knew well that even if she had experience, she wouldn't remember.

She engulfed the poor girl in a hug, soothing her back, she said, "Just you wait, Gabby, trust me, the situation is going to be on your side, and even if that's not, I'll have a word with that idiot."

Gabby sniffled, "What?"

Before she could open her mouth, Ethan stormed in. "Rose," he took a deep breath as if he was running to reach her. He was panting.

His eyes flickered to Gabby for a moment and he nodded at her then again at Rose, "I think you might wanna see this."

A/N: Hello, my beautiful readers, how are you all? May I know what do you think about the chapters? Your opinions matter a lot.

And, can you do me a favor by hitting the star button?

Thank you.

Anyways, take care.

Be safe, be healthy.

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