Murder and Illegal Activities

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Benedikte woke up in a cold sweat.  Her dreams had been a blur of swift motions and blood.  Instinctively she knew this meant that something had happened.  She checked the bed next to her to see Kirsten and Varg still there. 

She slowly made her way to the basement.  It was odd to see Faust there because his room was at the back of the store.  Benedikte saw him just sitting there and he didn’t acknowledge her presence.  It was weird because he would always greet her warmly with a smile.

Benedikte left the room to check on Euronymous and he was sleeping with Gry at his side.  She still had her suspicions about Faust.  She decided to check his room for any clues to why he was acting strange.

When Benedikte reached his room she found the door unlocked.  There were many books, magazines, and clothes lying around the room.  She picked up a book and she saw it was about serial killers.  All his belongings were somehow related to murderers.  Benedikte was interested that he had all these items but left her feeling ill at ease.

She heard a deep voice behind her, “what are you doing here Benedikte.”

“Oh Faust, um, I was a little curious to why you didn’t say hi to me when I saw you this morning.”  Benedikte said unevenly.

Faust just looked at her oddly.  He didn’t say anything so she stammered on.

“Faust, I’m really sorry I snooped but I’m worried.  The dream I had last night isn’t helping matters either.” 

“Can I tell you something?”  Faust said coming closer.

Benedikte just nodded as she could feel his breath on her face and the scent of him.

“Don’t be frightened when I tell you this but I killed a man last night.  But I’ve always been interested in serial killers.  I’ve been feeling increasingly violent these last few months. Last night I think my subconscious mind was telling me that since the man was gay I had the right to kill him.”

“But Faust there has to be some other reason.”  Benedikte questioned.

“Well I started thinking about macro- and micro-cosmoses and comparing human life to dust on a far-off planet in a far-off galaxy in the middle of nowhere.  I’ve made human life valueless.  Just because of the precepts of black metal,” Faust explained further.[1]

“Ok I’m not sure I totally understand but don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.  Your one of my best friends and I would never betray your trust.”

“I know Benedikte your one of the people I can trust.”  Faust said hugging her.

Later that day Benedikte and Faust asked Metalion if he had read the paper recently.  Faust disclosed to Metalion about what happened.  Metalion asked no questions but confided to Benedikte he was afraid Faust would be caught.


“Hey Benedikte are you ready to go,” Kirsten asked from the bathroom.

“Yeah almost, just finishing my corpse paint,” Benedikte said.

All the girls were excited they got a gig in Oslo at a midsized venue.  They were the only act of the night and were expecting a good turnout.  All the girls adopted the corpse paint look as it empowered them.  Hellhammer was accompanying them to the gig while Faust, Euronymous, and Varg were somewhere else in the city.

When they arrived at the venue they noticed a large crowd was gathered at the front door.  The girls parked at the rear entrance and readied themselves to tear the stage apart.

When the girls walked on stage the roar of the crowd became immense.  The lights slowly went down and the girls grabbed their instruments.

Meanwhile Varg, Euronymous and Faust were on the opposite side of town.  Faust had told them about the murder, so they were at the Holmenkollen Chapel.  They would burn the church as a figurative invigorating act for Faust.

Soon the girls started the concert.  The lights glowed dimly as Benedikte counted down and Kirsten started pounding the drums.  As they surged into their first song the crowd began moving to the beat.  Alva and Gry banged their heads furiously and assaulted their instruments.

While the girls played the gig, Varg was placing a homemade bomb on the church altar. The bomb failed to detonate so they piled Bibles and hymnals on to the altar.  Faust then poured gasoline over them and lit a match.

Once the concert was over the girls gathered everything and headed out.  They noticed the crowd was looking toward the club to the trees beyond.  The girls and Hellhammer walked towards the commotion.  They could see smoke floating towards the tree tops.  Benedikte instantly knew who was responsible.  She knew it was in the direction of the Holmenkollen Chapel.

While the girls were watching the smoke, Varg, Euronymous, and Faust watched the flames from a mountain overlooking the church property.  After an hour they started to head back to Helvete.  They couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful and exciting it had been.  That day couldn’t have gone any better.

Benedikte was so angry that she just walked back to the car.  Hellhammer noticed Benedikte was upset and he ran after her.  She was so pissed off that Varg would do this again.  Not only was Faust killing people but Varg would not stop his childish antics.

“Benedikte are you okay, you’ve seemed uneasy these past few weeks.”  Hellhammer asked.

“It’s just I can’t take it anymore.  One of my closest friends just killed a guy, Kirsten is dating a guy who can’t act his age, and Helvete is hemorrhaging money.  I could lose the only home that I know because no one is buying anything.  And at some point I’m afraid the police are gonna get wind of it.  There gonna start questioning, and I don’t think I can handle it.”  Benedikte said and broke down crying.

Hellhammer grabbed her in a tight hug and wouldn’t let go until she calmed down a bit.  Once she stopped crying Hellhammer grabbed her arms and looked right into her eyes.

“Benedikte it will be okay.  Varg will calm down, the record store will be okay, and Faust will sort his own problems out.  And I was hoping that you could live with me.”  Hellhammer said.

“Really that would be amazing.  Let’s go back to the store so I can grab my stuff.”  Benedikte said quietly.

As they drove back she told the girls about what was happening.  They were supportive and Kirsten told her not to worry about Varg.  Nothing bad would happen but Benedikte couldn’t believe that for one minute.  It would be much better when she could move in with Hellhammer while still keeping her job.

[1]Faust’s speech on the cosmoses was taken from an article in Spin Magazine entitled ‘Satan’s Cheerleaders’. 

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