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When Benedikte returned she went to Hellhammer’s.  In her years with Mayhem, things always happened quickly.

“Jan are you home?”  Benedikte called as she let herself in.

“Benedikte is that you,” Hellhammer said coming into the living room.

“Hey I missed you, where is Kirsten?”  She asked hugging him tightly.

“She’s with Euronymous.  He told me he wanted to show me something later today.  You should come too.”  He said.

“How was the funeral,” Hellhammer asked.

Benedikte explained the whole situation.  Including the situation with the uncle and meeting Morgan from Marduk.  He was real polite and they exchanged addresses.  She explained everything from start to finish.

“Come on Benedikte we gotta go meet Euronymous in Oslo.”  Hellhammer called.

Hellhammer drove them to a tall, imposing stone building.  They were at the old section of Schweigaardsgate 56.  At the front of the building was Kirsten, Euronymous, and an older gentleman.

“Great you guys made it.”  Euronymous said greeting them.

“Euronymous, why are we here?”  Benedikte asked.

She walked over to greet Kirsten.

“Well this is my father and he has agreed to help me open this place as a record store.  When we get the key I’ll have to show you all the space.”  He explained eagerly.

So the three of them minus Euronymous’ dad, spent the day talking and hanging out.  Then they went to go talk to Geir Brattelie, Metalion, and Stian Johansen a.k.a. Occultus.

They traveled to Metalion’s house in Sarpsborg to have what Euronymous dubbed as ‘an important meeting.’  Metalion answered the door.

“Hi guys, Benedikte glad to see you.  How have you been doing?”  He asked as he led everyone into the living room.

“I’m fine Metalion,” Benedikte answered with downcast eyes.

“Sorry I asked,” he whispered hugging her tightly.

“Geir, Stian, this is the first half of the Queens ov Hell, Kirsten and Benedikte.”  Metalion said introducing them.

“Dude you weren’t kidding, they are girls, interesting.”  Geir said incredulous.

“Shut up Geir, it’s really nice to meet you.”  Stian said standing up to shake their hands.

“So Euronymous, why did you call us all here?”  Metalion asked as they sat down.

“Well I have decided to open a record store.  But I have a proposition for you all.”  Euronymous said.

“Sure anything you want Euronymous.  So what exactly were you thinking?”  Stian asked raising an eyebrow.

So Euronymous told them that he would sell his secondhand albums and they could give him albums.  The store would only sell black metal including rare and classic death metal.  They would work and live at the store and give him one hundred and eighty dollars a month for rent.  Metalion was the only one that couldn’t afford that amount.  But he did have a great idea.

“Euronymous I think we should name the store Helvete.  Hell as in “Welcome to Hell” by Venom.”  Metalion ventured.

“Awesome, so everything’s settled.  I’ll be opening in three weeks from now, so I’ll see you then.”  Euronymous said.

They all left Sarpsborg excited to see what Euronymous had in mind for the record store design.


Euronymous called Hellhammer and the girls to come see the inside of the store.  He described it as a black church in the future.

“Euronymous I can’t wait to see the inside.”  Alva exclaimed.

“I wanted it darker inside so you would need torches to see the records.  Unfortunately I couldn’t obtain any torches.”  He said.

When Euronymous led them into the store it was just as he had described it.  The walls were painted black.  Medieval weapons and band posters adorned the walls.  There was a polystyrene tombstone in the window.

“Wow Euronymous I’m impressed, it looks good.”  Kirsten mused.

“Yeah I’m glad you were able to get enough music to get this thing rolling.”  Benedikte said looking through the racks.

“Next I’m gonna show you the basement.  I already have it set up to run the record label.  There are a couple of rooms down here.”  He said leading them to the basement.

“I figured since some of the guys might need a place to crash, they could do it here.  I put som mattresses down here for use.”

The basement had moisture in the air and was cold and drafty.  They walked out of the basement and he showed them the rooms upstairs.  One would serve as a rehearsal space and the other two served as spare rooms for people to stay in for a longer period of time. 

So everything considered it was a really good place.  Since Benedikte and Kirsten were the only girls in their band without a job, Euronymous gave them ones at the store.  Benedikte hadn’t seen Alva or Gry since the funeral.  She figured it was time that they should get together.


“So why’d you call us Benedikte, is everything okay?”  Alva asked concerned.

“Well since the funeral I’ve been unsociable.  I also feel that I don’t see you or Gry ever.  So I figured all of us, Kirsten included, could go out and do something.”  Benedikte explained.

“What were you thinking?”  Gry inquired.

“What did you guys want to do.”

“Well I think we should take you to this new clothing store we found.  They have a lot of darker clothing.  A little bit of a gothic feel, I think it would be fun.”  Alva stated.

“Yeah I need some new clothes.  I lost some of mine in the move.  Let’s go.”  Benedikte said grabbing Kirsten.

They spent the day shopping.  They talked about Euronymous’ new store, some music everyone had worked on, and meeting other friend’s of Euronymous’.

The girls made it to Sarpsborg later in the day and decided to go see Metalion.  They had only seen him a handful of times.

Metalion opened the door to see four familiar faces smiling at him.

“Hey girls, what are you doing here?”  He wondered.

“Well we were in the neighborhood and decided to drop in.  I hope we’re not bothering you.”  Gry said.

“No not at all, come on in.  I was just working on something.”  He said leading them inside.

 “What are you working on?”  Alva asked.

“Well Euronymous’ idea of having a record label sounded interesting.  I decided to start my own.  I was thinking of naming it Head Not Found.”  He said.

“How did you come up with that name?”  Kirsten asked.

“In 1984 Nicke Andersson my friend from Nihilist sent me a letter.  On the back of the envelope he drew a picture of a figure with his head cut off.”  Metalion said grabbing it off a littered table.

“The caption read head not found and it just always stuck with me.  I also realized that it is a line from an Autopsy song.  I think it’s the perfect name.”

“I just know it’s gonna be awesome, you’ve always had a natural talent.” Benedikte said giving him a small smile.

They spent about an hour at his house and then made their way back to the record store.  Kirsten and Benedikte had already moved in.  The store wasn’t open to the public yet.

When they arrived Euronymous was standing with a man they didn’t know.  They were interested to meet this mystery man.

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