All I Want (Edited)

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Title Credit: A Day to Remember

The next day recording took most of the day.  Benedikte had to make sure everything was perfect.  It was just the way she was, a perfectionist. Everything had to be certain way, or she was not happy.  She did take after take until she was satisfied.  Euronymous was getting angry because this was not the way to do it.

"Benedikte this is the last take.  If you don't like it, I don't really care, we need to finish this."  Euronymous said.

She rolled her eyes and turned back to the microphone.  Benedikte thought to herself, 'he is just a jerk sometimes'.

Benedikte and Euronymous were much like brother and sister.  They would fight while recording but then they were best friends again afterwards.  To the chagrin of the others.   The fight got tedious and frequent.  It sometimes had an adverse effect on everyone around them.

When the girls had finished recording, they were putting everything away, a knock was heard at the door.

Kylee answered the door for the rest of the group and she saw Necrobutcher and Manheim at the door.

"Hey guys how goes it?"  She said upon seeing their faces.

"Kylee we have to talk to Euronymous is he here."  Manheim asked.

"Yeah come on in," she said leading the way.

When they came into the view of the others they all had the same confused expression.

"Manheim, Necrobutcher why are you here?"  Euronymous asked.

"Well I really want back in this band.  I listened to Maniac's dumb ass and I feel really stupid about leaving this band."  Manheim explained.

"Other than that we wanted to see how the girls were doing.  We're both really interested in this band."  Necrobutcher finished.

"Well you're a little late we're actually done."  Alva said grinning.

"I have some editing to do and then they can play their first show.  The venue is even going to allow us to have the pig heads on stakes."  Euronymous explained.

"Everyone let's go, I'm sure Kirsten and Euronymous would like to get started on that editing."  Benedikte said teasingly while picking up her bass.

Benedikte got everyone to finally clear the room and she left with a sideways glance at Kirsten and winked at her.

"So Euronymous what did you have in mind for today?"  Kirsten asked.

"Well I was thinking of taking a walk out in the forest near the house.  I know how you said you loved going outside.  I figured it would be a good place to go."

"Alright come on." Kirsten said grabbing his hand.

It took about five minutes to get to the destination and she had to admit it was beautiful.  The rolling hills in the distance and fluffy clouds settling over the mountains.

It was late afternoon, and the sun was streaming through the trees.  It lit the ground making the grass look greener.  As I stood awestruck, I felt Euronymous' hand slip into mine.

"Are you going to just stand here or do you actually want to take a walk."  He said chuckling slightly.

"Oh yeah, um, let's go."  Kirsten said snapping out of her reverie.

They started walking through the trees silently.

"Hey Kirsten," Euronymous said breaking the silence.

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