Don't You Cry

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Hellhammer and Benedikte spent the day outside.  They just walked and reminisced about Pelle.  Benedikte was still a little upset and her eyes would sometimes well up with tears.  By the time they got home Necrobutcher was there with Kirsten.

“Hey Jørn, what are you doing here?”  Hellhammer asked.

“I came by to see how Benedikte is doing.”

“I’m fine but is there any other reason for your visit?”  Benedikte inquired.

“Well there is two things.  Euronymous told me about the photos he took.  I told him to get rid of them but he told me no.  So right now I want no contact with him and I’m out of Mayhem.  The other thing is Pelle’s brother contacted me.  We talked for a minute and I mentioned you.  He wanted you to call him.”  Necrobutcher said handing her the number.

“Oh okay, well I guess I should go inside and call him.”

Benedikte hugged Jørn and walked into the house.

She dialed the number with shaking fingers.  It took a couple of rings until he picked up.

“Hello,” a deep voice sounded from the receiver.

“Hey this is Benedikte; Jørn said you wanted to talk to me.”



After his talk with Necrobutcher he started sending photocopied pictures and skull fragments out.

He sent them to It from Abruptum and sent skull fragments to Morgan from Marduk.  He also sent pictures to Warmaster Records in Columbia.  He included a note about what the pictures were intended for.

He then called Metalion and Occultus to tell them what happened.

Metalion and Occultus

When Metalion and Occultus showed up to the house they wondered why they were there.

“Euronymous why did you call us, Hellhammer told us what happened.”  Metalion asked.

“Well the lease on the house is almost up.  So I need help packing and I was hoping you two could clean Pelle’s room.  The ambulance didn’t do a very good job.”

“Oh Euronymous I don’t know.  It’s-”  Occultus stared.

“Sure Euronymous,” Metalion said elbowing Occultus and cutting him short.  Metalion quickly dragged Occultus upstairs.

“What was that for Metalion?”  Occultus asked.

“Well I got a call from Necrobutcher and he told me about the pictures Euronymous took of Pelle.  He figured it was his way of coping because he saw his friend dead.  So I’m sure being in that room would bring back bad memories.  Come on, Hellhammer assured me that they got everything of value.  He gave them to Benedikte because of her close relationship with Pelle.  So let’s just clean and get it over with.”

So Metalion and Occultus set to cleaning blood off the walls and picking up skull fragments from the room of their dead friend.


After two hours Benedikte walked into the living room.  Kirsten and Hellhammer turned to look at her.

“What did he say.”  Kirsten said, seeing Benedikte’s blank stare.

“Well he asked me to attend the funeral and I accepted.  He also wanted me to sing a song during the service.  So after I got off the phone I wrote a song and I’m gonna perform it.”  Benedikte answered.

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