Date Night

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I was so fucking nervous about this date.  When I was with Euronymous and Varg we never went out.  They never wanted to go anywhere.  These past two days I had been avoiding Euronymous and Varg, so I didn’t have to tell them I was going on a date.

When the day got here I was a wreck.  I had gone through fifty different outfits and hairstyles.

“Don’t worry Kirsten.  He already likes you,” Benedikte said.

She had been acting more excited than I was.  She was whistling Dio songs and acting like a young girl again.  She was a sunny day and I was a hurricane.  I was happy, nervous, excited, and a little scared at the same time.

“Yeah it’ll be great,” Alva assured me.

“Sure it will,” I said sarcastically while absentmindedly twirling my hair.

I took one last look in the mirror.  I had my ripped skinny jeans, a cut up band shirt, and I borrowed Benedikte’s heels.  I felt a little silly, we were only going to dinner.  It wasn’t going to be fancy and I felt uncomfortable in anything else.

Finally it was time to wait in the store front for Fenriz.  But with my luck both Varg and Euronymous were in the front.

“Hey why is the store locked it’s not ten o’clock yet.”  Benedikte asked perplexed.

“Oh we were closed today.  We had some cleaning and rearranging to do.”  Euronymous explained.

“Hey Kirsten, what is up with the heels.  You headed somewhere.”  Varg asked slyly.

My head shot up and a blush crept up to my cheeks.  Should I tell him the truth or not.  I stood there looking Varg straight in the eyes.  I felt like I was staring into a vortex.

“Well if you most know nosy rosy, I’m going on a date with Fenriz, he’s picking me up soon.”  I said shakily.

“Good luck then,” Varg said and walked past me and out the door.

“Oh my god he is so frustrating.  I want to kick him in the face.”  I said.

I just stood there fuming.  My hands were clenching and unclenching and I wanted to punch something.  I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned erratically around.  I came face to face with Euronymous.

“Calm down Kirsten, I know why Varg is acting like this.  He revealed to me a few days ago that he still has some feelings for you.  He’s very jealous that you’ve moved on.”  Euronymous explained.

“I don’t care he hurt me in more ways than one.  I for one will not give him the satisfaction he gets when I lash out.”  I said.

Soon after that there was a knock on the door.  My stomach tied up in knots and I felt like I walked a marathon to reach the door.  I pulled the door open to reveal a smiling Fenriz.  He was wearing an outfit similar to mine and he held out his hand to me.  I took his warm hand into mine and smiled.

“Are you ready to go?”  He asked.

“Yeah,” I said. 

I turned to my friends in the doorway and waved a small goodbye.

Once we were in the car Fenriz turned to me, “you look really pretty tonight.”

“Thanks, you look good too.  So where are we heading tonight?”  I asked.

“Well that’s a surprise; I decided to change the plan once I got here.  Ready.”  He said.

“Yeah sure,” I said nodding.

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