Life Eternal

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Euronymous went home to see how Dead and Benedikte were fairing.  It was getting later in the year and they needed to talk.

He walked into the house and it seemed empty.

He went to Per’s room figuring they might still be sleeping.  He knocked on the door and there was no answer.  He tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge.  He decided to call Necrobutcher.

“Hey Jørn, have you seen Per today?”  Euronymous asked into the receiver.

“No,” said Jørn.

“Oh okay, he must be ‘hanging’ in his room.”  Euronymous said smirking.

“Don’t even joke about that anymore.  It’s not funny and…”

“Goodbye Jørn,” said Euronymous cutting him short.

Euronymous went to the shed that was behind the house and beneath Dead’s window.  He climbed onto the sheds roof and slipped into the room.  He looked to Per’s bed and saw him slumped over with a shotgun wound to his head.

At first he was unsure what to do; he looked around the room frantically.  Euronymous ran from the house to a local store and bought a disposable camera.

When he got back home he rearranged some things and started taking pictures.  He then called Hellhammer.

When Hellhammer got there Euronymous told him everything and showed him the body. 

“Hey Jan I took some brain fragments and some brain.  I decided to make a stew with the brain.  I wanted to know what it is like to be a cannibal.  When I’m done would you like to try some?”

Jan’s face went white and he answered, “no that’s okay.”  As he tried to stop from throwing up there was a knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw Benedikte and Kirsten standing there.

“Why are you two here?  What happened something’s wrong I know it.”  Benedikte said hysterically.

“Calm down Benedikte we need to step outside for a minute.”  Jan said.

“No I wanna see Pelle, that’s why I’m here.  I know something has happened please.”  She pleaded with misty eyes.

“Listen to me.  Euronymous found Pelle dead.”  He said.

Before Benedikte could run back into the house he grabbed her arm.

“I need to let you know that pictures were taken.  I also think that Euronymous took some of his brain for a stew.  I’m telling you because I feel you should know.”

“I d-d-don’t care Jan.  I d-d-deserve to know w-w-what happened and r-r-right now I just need to see him please.”   She looked at him with pained and watery eyes.

He let go of her and let her run up to the room.  She slowly opened the door to reveal the site of his limp frame.  He was slumped over his bed his legs akimbo with his brain spilling from his shattered skull.  The bed was soaked with blood and there were visible cuts on his wrists.  He had on his ‘I love Transylvania’ shirt on and two notes.

Benedikte fell to her knees, her head in her hands, and started sobbing and shaking.

“How could I let this happen?”  Benedikte said to no one in particular. 

“I knew he was acting strangely lately.  How could I not have seen this coming?  I shouldn’t have left him alone.  It’s all my fault.”  Jan put a hand on her shoulder.

“Benedikte please don’t say that.  It was inevitable there was nothing you could’ve done.  I’ll leave you to say goodbye in peace.”  He kissed the top of her head and walked out of the room.

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