Holiday Cheer

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After that incident the girls decided to just focus on making their album.  They played their next show to 300 people.  There was also a large crowd gathered outside wanting to be in the middle of the melee.  They sold out of the albums they put out for sale at the gig.  Euronymous even announced that the live album would be released on Halloween.

It was during October that the girls decided to record their new full length album.  Everyone had great ideas that they brought to the writing session.  By the time their live album was released they had enough songs ready to recorded.  Despite Varg’s warning in November the girls were paid their half of the sales.

“So you’re saying I should change the tempo here?”  Benedikte asked Euronymous during recording.

“Yes but just a small amount.  It will give the song more texture.”  Euronymous explained.

They were putting the finishing touches on the last song of the album.  It would be released on December 5th.

Later that night on the way home Benedikte had to Euronymous what was up with Varg.  Benedikte even made note of what he did to Kirsten.

“I don’t know, when the church burnings started he changed.  Sometimes he is so nice then the next minute he’s lashing out.  I didn’t pay him his half for that exact reason.  Also sometimes when we’re hanging with the group he keeps bringing up the church burnings.  Saying we need to get rid of Christianity but if he ever did he’d have no one to be angry with.  I think he’s gone crazy and will take me and the others down with him.  There is not telling what he’ll do next.”  Euronymous ranted.

“I agree but I guess only time will tell.”  Benedikte added.

They made it to Hellhammer’s house and Benedikte bid farewell to Euronymous.  Just what Varg would do next would be the biggest threat to their world.


In the next week many things happened.  The album was done and ready to ship.  It also went on store shelves and was selling well.

Then on December 10th Gry called Benedikte, Hellhammer, Kirsten, Alva, and Euronymous to join her in the basement for an announcement.

They gathered together at 8 that night awaiting Gry’s news. 

Gry finally made it to the basement with a strange look on her face.  She sat down with the others and began to speak.

“So for the past couple days I’ve been feeling sick.  I kept feeling bad so I went to see a doctor.  I’m happy to announce that I’m pregnant.” Gry said.

The whole room fell silent.  Euronymous stood up and sat next to Gry.  He grabbed her hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“How far along,”  Euronymous asked.

“Just a week, I just wanted to let you know and ask the girls if they mind me quitting the band.  I just want to focus on my health and the baby.”  Gry said.

“Oh yeah, we don’t mind.  We want you to be healthy and comfortable.”  Benedikte said as the other girls nodded.

“I just want you girls to know I’ve had the best time playing with you.  You are the best friends I’ve ever had.  I will continue to help and support you any way I can.  Good things will happen for you, I can feel it.”  Gry finished.

“We’re so happy, come on let’s get out of this damp basement.”  Alva said and they all turned to leave.

It was soon settled that the Queens ov Hell would continue as a trio.  They were so happy that Gry would be having a baby.  Euronymous was the happiest as they both moved into his new apartment.  Varg finally apologized to everyone and he stopped preaching his agenda.  He was being nice for the time being.  The album was doing well and they were being paid handsomely. 

A week before Christmas Eve Kirsten and Benedikte saw Metalion.  The sat down together and talked about everything that had happened.  He wondered if they would like to stay over Christmas eve into Christmas morning.  The girls were happy to oblige so they could catch up.  Benedikte even convinced him to invite Hellhammer.  It seemed things were looking up until Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve

Time: Midnight

Everyone was watching a movie when they heard a sound like fireworks.  Everyone thought nothing of it after falling asleep during the movie.  When they woke up that morning it was all over the news.  They said that a church, that was two minutes from Metalion’s house, had been torched.

Benedikte watched with wide eyed shock.  She couldn’t do anything else to but watch and she knew it had to be Varg’s work.

“Benedikte,” Metalion said breaking her reverie.  “I was gonna take some pictures of the church, would you like to go.”  He asked.

“Sure,” Benedikte answered reluctantly.

Everyone dressed and made their way to the church to see the ruins.  After Metalion took a few pictures Benedikte said, “This has Varg written all over it.”

“You think so,” Hellhammer questioned.

“Yes totally and on Christmas Eve of all days.  Just seems like he would do it.  You know what let’s go into Oslo, it’ll be fun to do something different.”  Benedikte suggested.

Once they made their way to Oslo they ran into Euronymous and Varg.  Benedikte’s face reddened and fire burned in her eyes.  Kirsten put a calming hand on Benedikte’s shoulder and Hellhammer grabbed her waist.

“Hey guys how you doing,” Metalion said shaking their hands.

“Well we burned a church down yesterday.”  Varg said after taking a look at his surroundings for other people.

Of course you did, Benedikte thought to herself

“Well I’m hungry let’s go back to my house and I’ll make us some lunch.”  Metalion offered.

They went back to Metalion’s house to eat.  Benedikte had to stop herself from lashing out and beating the crap out of Varg.  Too bad Hellhammer had to listen to her outburst later that night.

After Benedikte was done yelling, she slumped onto the couch.  Hellhammer sat next to her and took her hands.

“Benedikte I know today sucked a little but I think I can make it better.  I know you said no gifts but I had to get you something.”  Hellhammer said.

“You shouldn’t have, I didn’t get you anything.” Benedikte said.

“Being with you is enough of a gift to me.  Here,” he said handing her a wrapped package.

Benedikte untied the crimson colored bow.  As she ripped the bright paper from the package she saw a satin looking box.  She opened it and saw a small necklace.  It was a silver heart pendant.  Hellhammer took the necklace and put it on her.

“Benedikte I love you and when I’m away from you I feel empty.  I can’t think about being with anyone else.”  Hellhammer explained.

Benedikte face softened and a smile played on her lips.  He finally said he loves her and she was so happy.  She didn’t say it first because she thought he wouldn’t feel the same.

“I love you too, Jan.  I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you.”  Benedikte said hugging him tightly.

When they pulled away he gave her a small kiss.

“It’s late let’s go to bed.”  Hellhammer said.

Hellhammer grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom.

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