We're on our Way

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By the next day everyone was laughing about the radio gig.  No one really cared because they figured the station wouldn’t like the music anyways.  But by the Leipzig gig everyone was wearing thin.

Benedikte, Hellhammer, and Pelle walked into the Eiskeller Club and she asked; “Pelle, Jan, how do you think it’s gonna go tonight?”

“Don’t worry B it’ll be great.  I know exactly how it’s gonna happen.”  Pelle started.

“Yeah, you’ll play everyone will be blown away and we’ll play and hope the crowd doesn’t try to kill us.”  Hellhammer said with a huge smile.

At that Benedikte relaxed, those boys could make her smile anytime they talked to her before a gig.  She was very worried because it would be one of their biggest crowds.

Before the show Benedikte gave a pep talk to her band.

“Okay guys this is one of our biggest audiences and their here to see Mayhem so we have to play as well as we can.  Winning them over is important.  So are you ready to go onstage.”  Benedikte said.

“Yeah I’ve been ready since we got here.”  Alva answered.

“Alright let’s go,” Benedikte said.

She hugged Pelle before they took the stage.  And he again reassured her everything would be okay.

The girls walked out to a bunch of stunned faces and dropped jaws.

“Hello Leipzig,” Benedikte screamed into the microphone. 

“We’re the Queens ov Hell.”  She snarled and they leapt into their first song.

Once the first song was over the crowd were on their feet and cheering.  Their confidence was lifted and they played furiously.

They came off the stage sweaty and proud that they ignited the crowd.

“See we told you it would be great.”  Hellhammer whispered to Benedikte when they came off stage.

Benedikte ran to find Pelle, “Pelle we did it.  They loved it.”

“See we told you it would.  I have to go onstage now, I love you B.”  He said and walked onto the stage.

Pelle growled, “Death is real,” as they launched into “Deathcrush”.

Every song was a kick in the face.  Dead played out to the crowd by leaning over the crowd with his cuts dripping on the crowd.

“When it’s cold and when it’s dark the “Freezing Moon” can obsess you.”  Dead screamed to introduce “Freezing Moon,” their fourth song.

Before they started “Carnage” Euronymous took over while Dead cut his arm once more.

“Are you dead huh, ‘Carnage’?”  Euronymous rasped introducing the next song.

They got to the final song and Dead gave his last words to the audience.

“Come on Leipzig; come on join us, ‘Pure Fucking Armageddon’.”

Dead winked to Benedikte before they ripped into the song.  It was one of Benedikte’s favorite songs.  All of the ones Dead wrote were her favorite but she and Dead felt the same about “Pure Fucking Armageddon”.

The minute they walked off stage, Benedikte checked Pelle’s arm to make sure he hadn’t cut into his scar.

“Pelle I wish you would have this checked out.  I mean it was temporarily fixed with duct tape.”  She said concerned.

“It will be fine B, its fine.  Stop fussing over me.”

“I know but that scar just looks bad and permanent.”  Benedikte said looking it over.

“Come on, you two.  We have to make it home.”  Necrobutcher yelled to them.

On the train Pelle asked Euronymous when they would have their money.

“Euronymous we have the new music written, the live shows are amazing, and we have this live album recorded.  What’s the damn deal?”  Gry exclaimed.

“Okay first of all Gry stop acting… strange,” he started after a slight pause.

“Pelle just wait, patience my friend, the minute we can get a record deal then we’ll get the money.”  Euronymous finished.

“Alright well I’m just gonna try to go to sleep.”  Pelle said and walked toward the back of the train car.

Benedikte walked and sat down next to Per clearly playing possum.

“Pelle I know you’re not asleep, how long have we been friends.  Could you tell me what’s going on?”  Benedikte questioned.

“Alright,” he began.  I always knew I would become famous.  I moved to become part of something bigger and better.  I’ve been obsessed with money recently because we haven’t had any.  Not eating well is killing everyone, especially you and I.” 

“So Euronymous keeps telling me that we will make money, make money, make money but we never do.”  Pelle said hysterically.

“To make matters worse I used all the money my parents sent I used for stamps to send out our demo tapes.”  Pelle calmly stated.

“I should have used it for food like they wanted me too.”  Pelle finished.

“It’s okay Pelle.  I mean we could have used it for food but I don’t care.”  Benedikte said moving to sit next to him.

“We met each other and I wouldn’t change it for the world.”  She said laying her head on his shoulder.

They made it home in time to make it to the welfare office.  Euronymous signed for everything and everyone else travelled to the house.

“Benedikte look what finally came.”  Pelle said busting into the house.

“What is it?”  Benedikte asked setting her bass back down.

“It’s the art school brochures from my dad.”

“What do you mean?  You didn’t tell me about this.”

Pelle led her to the basement.  He started speaking in a hushed voice.

“I asked for them because I was thinking soon I’ll move back to Sweden.  I’ll go to art school and maybe start Morbid back up.  I figured when I go I would take you with me.  We have to get out of here as soon as we can.”

“Okay, okay let’s just get this tour over with.  Let’s just see how everything goes then we’ll talk.  Come on we have to get ready to go to Turkey.”  Benedikte said leading him back upstairs.

“Euronymous grab that crap over there, Gry get everyone in the car, and Alva grab your bag, and let’s get out of here.”  Necrobutcher ordered.

It was snowing on the way to the train.  To make matters worse they had to run and jump on the train.  Soon they were on the way to Izmir Turkey.

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