Meeting Varg

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The mystery man turned around and he was pleasantly handsome.  He had long black hair framing his youthful face and was thin and lanky.  He smiled as Euronymous introduced us.

“This is Varg a friend of mine.  He drove here all the way from Bergen to crash here, while we get moved in.”  Euronymous explained.

“So how do you know Euronymous?”  Kirsten questioned.

“We’ve been talking and I sent him one of my demo tapes.  He liked it and told me he wanted to sign me.  We’re gonna record another album soon.”

Varg handed Benedikte his demo tape.  A picture of a concentration camp graced the cover.  The girls looked at each other and back to the demo.  They looked up at the same time.  Varg had a slight smile on his face and after a few seconds of silence Benedikte spoke up.

“Well it was very nice meeting you but we have to get to bed.  Come on Kirsten,” Benedikte said leading her upstairs.

Reaching their room they closed the door locking it.  Benedikte collapsed on the bed still clutching the cassette.

“Kirsten how do you feel about this Varg guy, he’s handsome and has a nice smile but something’s off.”

“Yeah I know like this album cover.  It’s really morbid but he seems nice enough.  Maybe we just have to give him a chance.  I think it’s just late, and time to go to bed.”  Benedikte said.

“I guess so, goodnight Benedikte.”

“Goodnight Kirsten.”

Both girls fell asleep with troubling thoughts running through their heads.

Benedikte awoke at the crack of dawn.  Kirsten was sound asleep, so Benedikte climbed out of bed silently.  She made her way to the basement.  It was the only place that felt like home.  It wasn’t unlike the house in Kråkstad.

She grabbed some paper and a pen from Euronymous’ desk and started to write.  She had an idea for a song based on a dream she had about death.  The feeling of being murdered by multiple stabbings.  It wasn’t the first time, since the dream about Dead dying.  It happened a week prior to his suicide.  All she saw in the dream was a shotgun blast and Dead’s lifeless body face down in a puddle of blood.  All of thoughts were covered in Benedikte’s chilling lyrics.

“Hello Benedikte,” said a commanding voice.

“Shit, Euronymous you scared me.  Sorry I bogarted your desk and chair.  I like it down here, and had an idea for song lyrics.”  She rambled on unevenly.

“It’s alright, I don’t mind.  Benedikte do you like me?”  Euronymous asked.

Benedikte was caught off guard by the question.

“Yeah Euronymous, I mean we don’t hang out much but I do like you.”

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