A Week to Remember

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She sat him down on the bed so she could explain some things.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”  Hellhammer started before Benedikte could utter a word.

“Ever since Dead died I’ve been a mess of emotions.  I hide them so that the others won’t worry about me.  I just thought that since you took care of me, I figured it was just infatuation.  Ever since you’ve been gone these last two weeks I’ve missed you greatly.  I realize that I’ve fallen for you; also I’m not someone who shares emotions easily.  I just had to be sure it was real.”  Benedikte explained.

“The thing is that I like you too.  I’ve been getting up the courage to tell you.  I just wasn’t sure if it was too soon or not.  I just was waiting to see if you were ready because of everything that has happened.”

“So would you like to go out sometime?”  Benedikte asked.

“Sure when is your next day off from here?”

“Actually tomorrow let’s make a day out of it.  We’ll hang out all day.”

“Sounds good,” Jan said giving Benedikte a small kiss.

They descended the stairs to find numerous pairs of eyes staring.

Everyone from the basement had come up.  Geir must have told them because he can never keep his mouth shut.

“What the hell are you guys looking at?”  Benedikte asked.

“We just heard from Geir what happened.  Just had to see for ourselves,” said Faust

“I’ve got to get back to work.”  Benedikte said pushing her way through.

“Oh my God Kirsten, why are they so noisy.”

“I don’t know it has just seemed weird these last few days.  Euronymous watching me, Varg arriving, and all the people that are always here in the basement,” Kirsten explained.

That night they traveled down to the basement.  There were two little groups sitting together.  Kirsten went to sit with Varg and Fenriz while Benedikte joined the others.

“Oh hi Benedikte, Euronymous just explained why Napalm Death isn’t death metal anymore.  Singing about politics and what not,” Faust said.

“Thank you for Euronymous 101.”  Benedikte said laughing.

“Anyways, I was just talking about if we could all live together in a complex.  It would be like a black metal mafia.  We would just listen to music and share extreme ideas,” Euronymous expressed.

“That would be interesting.  It seems like you want to take over this town.  If so we’d need more people involved.”  Benedikte figured.

“Not really but everyone else should be aware of the black metal movement and its music.  The world should just know and expect more from us.”

“I think with the shop we’re getting there.”  Benedikte said.

The rest of the night went that way.  When Benedikte and Kirsten went up to bed Kirsten told Benedikte about their conversation.  The how do you like your cornflakes debate, crunchy or soggy.  They also just talked about Burzum and Darkthrone’s next move.  Benedikte hoped her date would be better than Euronymous’ boring babblings.

The next day Benedikte woke up early.  She walked down and entered the basement.  Fenriz, Varg, Nocturno Culto, and Ivar were sleeping on the mattresses down there.  She sat on the bottom stair and thought about the day ahead.  She noticed Fenriz was waking up and he saw her.

“Benedikte what are you doing down here?”  He said sleepily.

“I come down here to think.  It’s quiet and no one comes down here till 10 am.  I sometimes can’t sleep so it’s nice to be here.”

“Are you okay, you look a little upset?”

“I’m fine I just keep having dreams about Pelle and his death and a lot of dreams about friends dying.  I just wish they would stop.  Sometimes I have good dreams but I still feel like it’s my fault.  Other than that I have always had a hard time sleeping.”  Benedikte revealed.

“I can tell you that it wasn’t your fault.”  Fenriz said coming to sit beside her.

“From what I hear it seems like it would have happened sooner or later.  I know it’s hard but I think at some point it won’t weigh so heavy on you.”

“Thanks Fenriz that makes me feel a little better.  Oh I forgot to ask how do you like your cornflakes, because I like mine crunchy.”  Benedikte said smiling.

“Soggy,” he answered.

Benedikte gave him a short hug and walked back up the stairs to get ready for her date.

Kirsten was waking up before Benedikte left.  “Benedikte are you ready for your date.”

“Yeah, I’m about to go down.  It’s almost ten now so he should be here soon.”

“Alright have good time.  I’m off too so I’m gonna try to talk to Varg about what’s going on.”

When Benedikte got down stairs Euronymous had already let Hellhammer in.  He was dressed in dark jeans, a tight black shirt, and he looked amazing to Benedikte.

“Are you ready to go?”  He asked.

“Yeah, let’s go.  Bye Euronymous.”  She said turning to leave.

“So where are we going?”  Benedikte asked.

“Somewhere special but I want it to be a surprise.  On the way I’d like to know about you.  I mean we’ve hung out but not really any details.”

On the way to their destination Benedikte told him everything.  She told him about her parents and sister, how she met Kirsten, things she liked, and her fears.

“I’m glad that you opened up to me.  You didn’t have to reveal all that but I’m glad you did.  We’re here,” he said.

They walked through a path through the woods.  They came to a small lake and there was a mountain with a waterfall flowing over it.

“Wow Jan it’s beautiful out here.  How did you find this place?  I don’t venture out much since we’ve moved to the store.”

“Well I like to take walks in the woods.  It’s very calming and helps me think.  I just came here and I saw how beautiful it is.  I even brought us some food.”

They sat down and just started eating and talking.

“Benedikte I have something to share with you.  After the first few weeks with you I fell in love with you.  I never said anything because of your relationship with Dead.  I took care of you not just because Dead told me too it’s because I felt an overwhelming need to take care of you.  I know we haven’t actually dated but I wanted to know if you would like to make it official.”

“Yes Jan I would love to.”  She threw her arms around him and attacked him with kisses.  She could feel him kissing her back and it was the most amazing feeling.

She didn’t know how he had felt before.  It was the first time that she didn’t feel burdened by sadness.  He could make her feel like she was on top of the world. 

They spent the rest of the day together.  Holding hands and she found out a lot about Jan and it made her like him even more.  When they got back home Euronymous had some good news.

“Good Jan and Benedikte are finally here.”  Euronymous said when they walked in.

There were so many people there.  It looked like a big party.

“I brought everyone here because next month there is gonna be a Morbid Angel show.  After the show I was gonna have a big party here.  I wanted to invite everyone to come.  I promise you it will be the biggest party ever.”

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