Bloody Past (Edited)

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We finally succeeded, Kirsten thought as she walked outside after the gig.  She was very happy to have finally played alongside Mayhem and got a great reaction from the crowd.  She walked slowly to meet Euronymous in the cold night air.

"So Euronymous how do you feel about tonight," Kirsten asked.

Euronymous paused for brief moment, then spoke.

"It was great to see Dead finally perform live, he was amazing.  You guys played an even better show this time around."  Euronymous explained.

"Yeah, I'm excited to see what else you girls, can do."  Necrobutcher agreed.

Soon after that Benedikte and Dead emerged from the backstage door.  Kirsten looked back and her eyes widened in shock.  They were hand in hand with matching gashes on their arms.  Their blood was trickling down their arms mingling together.  Everyone else seemed undisturbed by the site of them.

As they headed to the car to go home, Kirsten could not stop thinking about the sight of Dead and Benedikte. The whole ride was silent, and Kirsten decided to talk to Euronymous at home.

Once they were settled back home, Kirsten decided to speak up.

"Euronymous I'm worried about Benedikte's and Dead's relationship.  I mean I know you saw the hack job he did to her arm."  Kirsten said as she paced their bedroom.

"Kirsten, Benedikte must have let him do it.   I know for a fact he likes cutting himself and others, but he wouldn't do it unless she let him.  He's not a violent person unless he's drank too much, which rarely happens.  You, Benedikte, Dead need to sit down and talk to get to know him better," He explained.

Once they settled into the bed, Euronymous kissed her forehead and went to sleep.

The next day Kirsten awoke and walked toward the kitchen.  She noticed Dead sitting writing something.  She sat across from him.  It was fairly early and no one else was awake.

Kirsten sat at the kitchen table across from Dead.

"Per," Kirsten said causing Dead to look up.

"Hello Kirsten, how are you this morning."  He said devoid of all emotion.

"It's about yesterday, you and Benedikte."  Kirsten started nervously.

"Ah yes, your lovely friend.  What is it that you would like to know?"  He said looking into her eyes.

"Well, the cuts, blood, her big smile."  Kirsten said tilting her head to the side.

"I was telling Benedikte that I like to cut to see the reaction of the crowd.  Not only that I like to do it because it releases pain and depression.  I like to cut in myself and others, which I can't do as often.   It makes me feel mournful that I can't.  She wanted me to cut her, I asked if she was sure and she said yes, she must trust me.  So I did and my blood mingled with hers.  It was at that moment that I knew I had a friend and that I would never hurt her.  I would never do something that she was not comfortable with."  Dead explained.

"Well that actually quells my fears.  I didn't think you would do it if it wasn't what she wanted.  I just want her to be happy."  Kirsten turned to leave but turned right back around.

"Oh and Per thank you for explaining everything."

He smiled briefly and turned back to his drawing.  Kirsten went to rouse the others awake.

That day everyone had somewhere else to be.  Kirsten, Euronymous, and Necrobutcher scouted places to play.  Hellhammer, Gry, and Alva went to see a friend that they hoped would give them a place to stay.  They feared the people they were living with at the time wanted them gone.  Dead and Benedikte were left at home.

Benedikte was the last to get ready after everyone left.  She slipped on a long blood red skirt, a black bell sleeved shirt where the sleeves went past her wrists, with her usual crescent moon necklace and matching earrings.  Since she would be home most of the day she wore no makeup and no shoes.  After that she went to go find Dead.  He was sitting on the couch writing something.

As Benedikte sat next to him she noticed he had wrote a small note at the top and underneath he was drawing a castle.

"Hey Pelle*, what are you doing?"  Benedikte asked sitting beside him.

"Just writing a note to a friend of ours, his name is Metalion he created the Slayer Mag.  I think you might meet him next month."

"Oh, I love that magazine.  That is an amazing picture what is it?"  Benedikte asked intrigued.

"It's a monastery church in Transylvania.  Did I ever tell you about Transylvania Benedikte?"  He questioned with a twinkle in his eye.

"No but I would love to.  I've always been amazed with everything you've ever said.  And I really mean that."  Benedikte said smiling and cocking her head to the side.

"The Carpathian castles are huge and imposing buildings.  Each has its own bloodied past.  The one I'm most interested in is the Bran castle.  It was where Vlad the Impaler lived.  It's also known as the Dracula castle.  It has four towers topped with brown peaks.  It is a big and imposing castle that rises above the trees and forests.  Vlad's victims he killed had their heads cut off and stuck on stakes stuck into the ground."  Dead said with a gleam in his eyes.

Throughout their conversation about Transylvania Benedikte could tell that he was very interested in their stories and castles.  As she listened she could tell the blood and death in the stories was the thing he talked about most.  When their conversation ended Benedikte told him a lot about herself.  She told him she had never been so fascinated by listening to someone talk.  Her love for ancient history was revived because of these stories.

"Per do you believe in any of the occult and magic that a lot of bands are singing about?"  Benedikte asked.

"Well Satanism and Occultism runs deep within the black metal community.  I believe they are interesting topics and it appeals to me.  But as I said I'm more interested in the legends of Eastern Europe and the Balkan countries.  Magic takes time that I just don't have."  Dead answered.

"I guess so, what do you want to do now."  Benedikte asked sinking down into the couch.

"Well I think they will find some gigs so I think it's time to bury my clothes for longer this time.  Do you think that before the gig you could bury me in the ground for a little while."

"Sure, I don't mind that one bit."

Benedikte already had been training in the ways of Dead.  Never ask questions and accept it no matter how crazy it may seem.  It was like he was not of this world.  He was very shy and quiet unless he was talking about his interests.  

That night they found Dead was right.  They had a gig next weekend.  It was long enough for Dead's clothes and for everyone to hone their crafts.  Dead had one request before preparing for the show.  He wanted to get a coffin and be in it before and during the show.  It was a strange request but we accommodated for it.  It was easy because Necrobutcher knew a guy who could get it for them before the concert.

Euronymous also announced that a guy with a chainsaw was going to let them use it for the live show.  Benedikte was scared about it but knew it was stupid to try and stop them.

That night before they went to sleep Benedikte told Dead to tell her more of what he knew.  She moved closer to him and laid in his arms as he told her more about the castles.  He also explained about brown rocks that resemble granite called Porphyries that were all around his hometown of Sweden.  He loved them because of their crystalline nature and the resembled the building materials used for the Transylvanian castles.  After he finished talking they both fell asleep in the silence of the night.

Author's Note

*Dead's name is Per but Pelle is a name given to people named Per by their close family and friends.

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