Unrevealed Secrets and New Experiences (Edited)

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It had been a tumultuous year from Euronymous' outrage at Dead, Alva and Gry leaving for a few months to visit a dying relative, and the random thought that Euronymous would burn the basement down with his experiments.  It was a blessing when Gry and Alva finally returned so that the Queens ov Hell could rehearse new material.

In June Metalion had moved back to his house.  He called us in mid-June and had some great news.  He said a Swedish record label wanted Mayhem to record some songs.  The label Chicken brain Records wanted the song "Carnage" and a new song to put on their new compilation.  The whole band re-recorded "Carnage" and picked a new song by Dead named "Freezing Moon".

A few days later Dead shared some news with Benedikte.  He had to tell someone he trusted and someone who knew what he was talking about.

"Benedikte could you come with me, I have something to talk to you about."

"Sure Pelle let's go," Benedikte said following him up the stairs.

In his room he closed his door as Benedikte sat down on the bed.

"I don't know why I felt like I had to tell someone this but I have come to trust you even more."  Dead started.

"You know going through the burial process before shows and our blood mingling together.  Anyways when I was ten I was bullied all the time.  One time a few guys decided to beat me up again and this time they took it too far.  I went to the hospital for eternal bleeding and a ruptured spleen.  I was also confirmed dead for a time.  I had a near death experience during that time" He finished.

"Wow that's horrible.  I was bullied as a kid but nothing that horrible.  That actually explains why you need death everywhere.  I mean you talked about it before but now I actually get it.  I thought it was an ice skating accident."

"Yeah I told everyone else that.  I only trust you, Hellhammer, and Necrobutcher.  I do however feel more comfortable talking about this with you.  I knew everybody else would laugh at me."

"Could you tell me about it?  What it's like to die, like your whole near death experience.  I've always been interested in it."

"Sure," He started.

"When my heart stopped, I'm guessing, I fell into a door and everything was bathed in a transparent blue color.  When the blue color engulfed me it was white hot.  I found out later from a person with knowledge of near death experiences was that the blue color is the first level of the real world.  The blue color becomes brighter until it turns white.  When the white level is reached the mortal is no longer and cannot return to earth.  Unbeknownst to me I had entered this level and that was the moment I realized I had died."

"That is so interesting.  I never knew there was so much to dying.  I understand it now the dead birds under the bed, the burying, inhaling the decaying raven, and the self mutilations.  It makes so much more sense."

"It's like I've always said, Jag är inte en människa. Det här är bara en dröm och snart vaknar jag. Det var för kallt och blodet levrades hela tiden."  Dead said.

"What does that mean my Swedish is a little rusty?"  Benedikte asked.

Dead laughed a little and said, "I am not human.  This is just a dream, and soon I will awake.  it was too cold, and the blood kept coagulating."

Benedikte threw her arms around Pelle.  She always felt like she had to protect him.  She was irretrievably in love with him.  She was afraid to tell him right now but she would do it soon.  For some small reason Benedikte felt she had to hurry because she may never get another chance.

The next day both bands took turns rehearsing together.  Alva and Gry made it back safe and sound with some new ideas surprisingly due to the circumstances.  Dead came to the rehearsal wearing a shirt with funeral announcements on it.  A very strange thing indeed but natural as breathing to Per.  A friend had gotten them a small gig so they had to prepare for that.

"That was great girls," Necrobutcher said after the girls played their new songs.

"Yeah I think we're all ready for this small show.  I really hope that we can spend more time together and really gel as friends.  We haven't had much to do together."  Hellhammer suggested.

"I think that's a great idea but with no money and the little food we can steal there are not many other things we can bond over.  We always had great fun while eating and listening to Venom but there's not much else we agree on."  Alva interjected.

"We can always go to town to scare people.  That always gives me a kick."  Euronymous said while Gry nodded her approval.

Dead had went to his room to lie down after the rehearsals.  Everyone soon heard a noise outside.  They saw Dead run down the stairs in his underwear.  He had his big hunting knife and ran out the door. 

Everyone followed him with Benedikte heading the group.   There was small shed behind the house that the cat ran into.  Dead disappeared behind the house.  There were lots of banging noises and Dead screaming angrily in Swedish.  The next thing everyone saw was the cat running back in front of the house and Dead chasing after it screaming and hunting the cat with his knife. 

No one said anything and then Gry just busted out laughing, "That was hilarious."  She said between laughing fits.

Everyone else started giggling.  It was funny and they realized how much Dead actually hated cats.  A few minutes later Dead came back in.

"How did it go Per?"  Alva asked with the most serious look on her face.

"He got away but I don't think he'll come back again."  Dead with a straight face and went back upstairs.

Dead came back dressed a few minutes later.

"Dead I never knew how much you hated cats."  Kirsten said.

"Yeah they're just awful annoying creatures.  I don't care for many animals."  Dead explained.

It was getting late and everyone went up to bed.  Kirsten stayed in the living room with Dead.  She had a question she wanted to ask him.

"Per," Kirsten spoke to him quietly.

"Yeah Kirsten, what is it?"  Dead asked.

"I was just wondering how you kind of stayed locked away.  I do notice you talk to Benedikte a lot.  I just wondered why you find it easy to talk to her than anyone else.  I was just curious."

"Well it's because she understands me.  She may not fully be on board with all the things I do but she finds them fascinating.  She is actually interested in it, not because she thinks I'm some freak but because she somehow understands why I am the way I am.  I know she is just looking out for me and wants me to be happy and she doesn't judge me for any of it.  She's the closest thing I have to a friend.  Being far away from home really doesn't help matters either."  He explained.

"She's always been that way.  She understands others more than some of us understand ourselves.  I know she's having a hard time understanding why Euronymous has been acting different.  I know that it's killing her but I think she'll be okay.  As long as she has me and you I think she'll get through this.  Thanks Dead, I'm glad to know she's happy."  Kirsten said and walked back upstairs to go to bed.

When Dead got this his room he noticed Benedikte had fallen asleep.  Dead had forgotten she would come to his room to talk before they went to sleep.  He moved her over and lay next to her.  He threw his arms around her and fell asleep without having any nightmares.

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