Dreams and Happenings (Edited)

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It was a dark night where the moonlight shown through the trees.  As Euronymous walked through the forest he saw a cloaked figure.  The figure slowly came to a stop in front of him.  Euronymous was first frightened, but he quickly turned surprisingly calm and curious.

"Who are you?"  He asked the cloaked figure.

"Who I am is not important.  I am here to tell you something very important.  You have been chosen to bring black metal to heights never before seen.  You will become the figurehead for this musical movement.  You will coerce others into your ranks and take over the world for yourself."  The figure said with a deep and foreboding voice.

With those last words the figure disappeared and Euronymous was in a dark building.  It looked like a church but with black painted walls and shrouded in darkness.  There were lit torches and records everywhere.  He saw a mirror image of himself with a pointed beard, curled moustache, and wearing a cape.  He walked toward the mirror and dropped down a dark hole.

Euronymous woke up in his bed with Kirsten's arms wrapped around him.  He slowly unwound himself from her grasp and walked to the room he recorded in.  He found this old cape that someone had given him as a present that he never wore and wrapped it around his broad shoulders.  He took wax and curled the ends of his moustache to look like a pig's tail.  He also fashioned his beard to look pointy.

Euronymous looked at himself in the mirror after he was finished.  He looked reminiscent of the villain from Flash Gordon.  Euronymous now was assured of what his career would be like.

When he walked out the girls were already up and were staring at him intently.

"Euronymous why do you look crazy and kind of like the villain from Flash Gordon?"  Benedikte asked.

"Well I'll tell you, it came to me in a dream last night."

Euronymous explained the dream and what it meant to him.  He said the new look was in the dream too.

"What is the plan for today, Euronymous?"  Kylee asked.

"Well Sven, Jørn, and Kjetil are coming over so we can start recording.  We have most of the songs written and we just have to record them."  Euronymous said.

"So what else are we doing?  I was thinking since this apartment is gross, I could clean it for you."  Benedikte offered.

"Sure, I guess," Euronymous said arching his eyebrow.

"She's a clean freak; she'll have this place spotless.  Didn't you say you had to see Bård for something yesterday?"  Kirsten inquired.

"Yeah just to see how his magazine Orcustus doing.  He was thinking of doing an article with the Queens ov Hell and Mayhem.  It might be helpful to have you along.  I also needed to talk to Conrad Schnitzler."

"Did you say Conrad Schnitzler," Gry asked.  "Like Tangerine Dream Conrad."

"Yeah he's a friend of mine.  He said I could use something he wrote for our album."  Euronymous explained.

"Wow," was all Gry could say.

A few minutes Euronymous and Kirsten left.  Benedikte was alone by herself because Kylee, Alva, and Gry decided to go shopping and go back to their house to check up on it.  She took out her old Walkman, put in an old mix tape and started cleaning the house.

"Daniel my brother you are older than me, do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal."  Benedikte sang as she vacuumed Euronymous' room.  She hated pop music but was a big Elton John fan.

While she was cleaning Necrobutcher had arrived early so he could practice before they started playing.  He heard a girl's angelic singing voice.  He didn't know it was Benedikte, who he had only been introduced to once before.

He walked to the room and knocked on the open door.  Startled Benedikte turned around pulling her earphones off.

"Wha- What are you doing here Jørn?"  Benedikte asked breathless.

"You're voice is really pretty.  What are you doing in a black metal band?"

"Well black metal requires my other vocal abilities.  It's a way to get the stress and anger out."

"It's nice; anyways I'm here to practice a bit before we record today."

"Oh well, I just finished cleaning the apartment, I'll help you set up."  Benedikte said walking out of the bedroom.


"So what's the next step in your careers?"  Faust asked.

Kirsten and Euronymous were finishing their interview.  Faust was very straight and to the point during his interview.

"Well for Mayhem we're finishing an EP now and touring very soon, we'll see how it goes from there."  Euronymous answered.

"The girls and I have been writing new material and will be going with Mayhem on tour.  Try to make a bigger name for ourselves."  Kirsten finished.

The interview had officially ended and they were about to leave to go to Conrad's.

"Hey Kirsten, Euronymous, thanks for doing the interview it should be in the next issue."  Faust said.

"Yeah it was cool Faust, but Euronymous and I have to get going.  Conrad Schnitzler is giving us a musical piece for Mayhem's new EP."  Kirsten explained.

"See you guys later."  Faust said.

"Euronymous, you know how you were talking about your dream last night.  Well I kind of had a dream like that too."

"Really how was yours?"

"Mine was actually scary.  I saw a figure with long hair covering his face.  He told me he wanted to show me something.  It was you and another man with long brown hair.  He stabbed you repeatedly.  I couldn't do anything about it.  I just saw you lying there bleeding to death.  I'm a little scared Euronymous.  I couldn't see the person's face.  I'm just hoping it was a dream and nothing else."  Kirsten said silently.

"I'm sure it was nothing Kirsten that seems more like a nightmare.  I will be fine, I promise."

Once they were in the car, Kirsten leaned her head back onto the headrest.  They arrived at Conrad's house soon after that.  Euronymous and Kirsten knocked on the door.

"Ah, Euronymous hello, come on in, who's this you've brought with you?"  Conrad said after he opened the door and ushered them in.

"Oh, this is my girlfriend, Kirsten.  She's in a new band named Queens ov Hell."

"Well hello Kirsten.  It's nice to meet you.  So what brought you two here?"  Conrad asked.

"I wondered about the piece of music you had for me." 

"Well since I've been so busy with other projects, I thought you could pick one out of my old archives.  I'm sure you could find something to your liking."  Conrad said leading them to his recording room.

"So, anything from these filing cabinets?"  Kirsten inquired.

"Anything you find suitable for your circumstances, you can have."  Conrad replied.

"Thanks Conrad."  Euronymous said.

"I'll be in the parlor if you need me."  Conrad said leaving Kirsten and Euronymous alone.

Kirsten and Euronymous sorted through the music in front of them.  They found a song haunting and interesting enough to use as the intro for the new EP.  They walked back into the parlor to let Conrad know they were leaving.

"Conrad thanks for letting us use your music."

"No problem, I guess I'll see you guys later."

"Yeah thanks again."  Euronymous said.

"It's nice meeting you."  Kirsten said shaking his outstretched hand.

Kirsten and Euronymous left to start working on the new EP.

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