At Hell's Front Door (Edited)

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The day of the show they went to go get the chainsaw.  The guy agreed to let them borrow it.  When they went to pick it up the guy wasn't home.  They would be able to use the coffin.  But they weren't able to acquire the pig heads and rotting meat.

When the rest of the band left for the concert Benedikte and Dead left for the forest.  They went to retrieve his stage clothes.  When they got there Benedikte buried Dead in the ground and went to grab his clothes.  They were rotted with bugs moving in the fabric.

After everything was done Dead had the stench of death and decay on him and she noticed Dead had gotten thinner as he changed his shirt.  His skin was almost blue, and she saw the outline of his ribs under his skin.

"Pelle did you get thinner?"  She asked concerned.

"Yeah, I haven't been eating to get starving wounds.  It adds to the effect I'm portraying."

"Dead why is it you want to feel dead and look like a corpse?  Other than the depression and pain."  She asked intrigued.

"Well, it started when I was a baby.  When I was sleeping, I slept so deep, that my skin would start turning blue.  I basically stopped breathing and my mother had to sleep next to my crib.  It's hard to wake me.  Hellhammer says he thinks I was between deep sleep and unconsciousness."

"Amazing, you are so surprising Dead.  Your life just seems so surreal."  Benedikte said.

She fell silent for the rest of the trip.  She couldn't believe that someone could be so fascinating.  She had never heard of such things happening before.  They made it to the venue and got out to meet the others.

When they got there Kirsten came up to them.

"Bad news Dead we can't get the coffin on the stage.  I figured you could just get in before the show."  She offered.

"Thanks Kirsten, I'll just sit in there with the lid closed preferably.  It will help me get ready."  Dead said.

Dead walked away and Kirsten stopped to talk to Benedikte.

"So how did it go?"  Kirsten asked.

Benedikte took her away from the coffin and the others.  She told Kirsten everything that happened, and all the things Dead confessed to her.  Kirsten listened intently and she couldn't believe what she was hearing.  She understood Dead very little and decided not to worry too much about Dead and Benedikte's relationship.  It wouldn't matter much anyway.  Once Benedikte liked someone or was hooked on something, nothing could stop her.  He seemed weird but was not a threat to anyone.

"Kirsten, Benedikte, it's time to go on."  Alva told them motioning to them to follow her.

"Don't tell Dead I told you everything.  I just figured you had a right to know."  Benedikte told her as they walked toward the stage.

"Of course, I won't.  I know how much he means to you."  Kirsten said.

They walked on the stage to slay the crowd.

When Mayhem played this time Dead cut himself with a crushed coke bottle.  He didn't have his knife, but he was able to find something to do it with.  His arm was a mangled mess afterwards.

"Hey guys great show."  Gry said when Mayhem was finished.

"I'm so glad to get these shows.  You know we'll have to find a way to get to some other country."  Euronymous said.

"I know Euronymous but it's kind of hard right now.  I know we have too but it's going to take some time."  Benedikte tried to reason.

"Come on guys, we have Metalion visiting.  He'll be here tomorrow, and we should probably get some sleep."

When everyone got home, they all went to sleep except for Hellhammer, Kirsten, and Benedikte.  They gathered in the basement just to talk.

"Kirsten why are we here?  You know I hate basements."  Benedikte whined.

"I need to talk to you and Hellhammer.  I notice you two talk to Dead the most.  I'm just trying to find out more about him.  I see the way you look at him; I just want to see what you see."

"Kirsten, I understand you concern," Hellhammer spoke up.  "He has a weird sense of humor.  A little on the darker side, I know Benedikte told you about the porphyries and the Transylvanian castles."

"Yeah, and I understand he was really into the death prospective."  Kirsten said.

"Kirsten, I've told you everything I can.  I don't understand everything about him but that's the fun.  It's nice he has this mysterious quality.  He's nice to me and I've fallen for him."  Benedikte revealed.

"I'm just worried, but if he's nice and if you like him, he can't be that bad.  I know you have a knack for knowing if people are good or not.  I'm sorry that I keep bringing it up."

"I think we're all a little tired.  Let's go to bed."  Hellhammer said.

They all went to sleep that night feeling a little better and the girls were ready to meet Metalion for the first time.

Benedikte tossed and turned all night worrying about everything going on.  Euronymous always watched Dead intently on stage.  Like he was trying to figure him out.  When Dead opened his mouth chills ran down Benedikte's spine.  Her feelings for him and the tortured soul within him made her want nothing more than to console him.  Her dreams were punctuated by a sharp knock on the door.

She gathered her covers around her body and went to open the door.  There stood a young man.  He was very much like Mayhem, in clothes and appearance.

"Yes how may I help you?"  Benedikte asked gruffly.

"It's Metalion here to see Dead and Euronymous."

"Oh yes, sorry you woke me up.  Come on in, I'll go get the others up.  Oh, by the way my name's Benedikte."  She said shaking his hand.

"Hey guys, get your lazy asses up Metalion is here."

Everybody groaned and sat up slowly.  Euronymous was the first to stand up.

"Hey Metalion it's great to see you.  It's been a little while."

"Yeah, I've been keeping in touch with Dead.  So, I know Benedikte who are the rest of these girls."

"Well, this is Kirsten, Alva, Gry, and our new drummer Hellhammer."

"Great to meet you all.  So, what are we doing today.  I know you guys wanted to play me some of the new music."

"Well, I found us a house to move into.  I've got a little saved up so we can move in whenever we want to."  Euronymous announced.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me."  Kirsten said smacking him lightly on the arm.

"I wanted to tell everyone at the same time.  You know I'd tell you everything first, but this involves everyone except for Necrobutcher.  He has his own place he'll be moving into shortly.  We all can't fit in the house especially with the girls."  Euronymous explained.

So that day they played Metalion the songs with Dead so he could hear them for the first time.  

Then Euronymous took them to the new house.  He drove them to an old house in east Oslo near the forest.  It was a moderate size house with two black and lofty towers.

When they got out of the car Benedikte stood there with Hellhammer and Kirsten.

"This is the house he got us.  This is very small."  Benedikte said.

"Yeah, I know how the hell are we going to live together."  Kirsten said in awe.

Hellhammer always the optimist said, "well it could be worse."

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