Here Comes the Boom

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That night the girls rushed to Hellhammer’s house to listen to the live cassette.

The tape was good given the recording quality.  You could hear the crowd as well as the onstage banter.  It would sell great and they were gonna let Euronymous hear it the next day.

The girls didn’t worry too much about the church burning.  They weren’t involved so it was not their problem.

Euronymous sat listening to their tape with a stern expression.  It never showed on his face if he like something or not.  When the tape stopped Euronymous started to speak, “I liked it.  I’ll be able to release it because the Burzum album is selling.”

“Really that’s great; we hoped you would like it.”  Alva said enthused.

“Thanks, is there anything else we can do to help?”  Kirsten asked.

“No I’m gonna get everything else on the business end.  Of course you will get half of the money from the sells and that’s about it.”  Euronymous concluded.

The girls walked away feeling happy and ready for what was next.

The minute they walked out of the basement Varg was waiting for them.

“Hello girls, I heard you’re releasing a live album.  How is that going?”

“Well eavesdropper we are and Euronymous is releasing it.  You know because we’re also signed to Deathlike Silence.  What’s it to you, you’ve been acting weird since last week?”  Gry said angrily.

“I just hope that you get your record money.  Because I never got all mine.”

“Yeah well that’s you.  Have you ever thought that Euronymous might not like you as much as us?  I mean we are the only ones who are nice to him.  You constantly berate him and act like he’s the scum on the bottom of your shoes.  That could be why, you jackass.  Oh and on that note we are through.  I am tired of you treating me like crap, ignoring me, and being rude to everyone.”  Kirsten yelled.

Kirsten pushed past Varg almost knocking him to the floor and ran to the storage room.

“Varg I don’t know what you did to her but you will pay for what you have done.  Get out of my face before I punch yours.”  Benedikte said.

Alva and Gry had already followed Kirsten, so Benedikte walked that way after Varg stomped back outside.

When Benedikte got to the back she saw Kirsten crying and the girls consoling her.

“Kirsten,” Benedikte said trying to keep her voice level.  “What did he do to you?  I want to know because I’ve already threatened him.”

“Well you remember when I had that bruise on my arm?  I started yelling at him about how he was irresponsible and out of control.  So he grabbed my arm and he told me that I was worthless and had no reason to yell at him.  He also informed me it was more important to push his band than spend time with me.  When we were together he would get mad at everything I would do.  The only other time he put his hands on me was when he started burning down churches.  I told him how I felt and he backhanded me across the face and walked away.”  Kirsten explained.

“How the fuck did we not know,” Gry said through gritted teeth.

“I’m sorry I never said anything.  I just covered it with makeup.  I loved him and thought he would change.”  Kirsten said.  A tear fell from her eye.

Benedikte was quiet so the girls turned to look at her.  She was shaking and her face was beet red.  Tears streamed down her eyes and she was hunched over.

Alva ran over knowing what to do.  She threw her arms around her and held her tight.  She hummed a quiet melody to her and rubbed her back.  Benedikte’s shaking stopped and her sobs quieted.

“I’m sorry I freaked out.  I just cannot believe him and I think beating him up isn’t the answer.  I will not let him be the bigger person.  I know he has pushed you to the edge because you left him.  We need to go out tonight because I need to let off some steam and tomorrow we’ve got a concert to do.”  Benedikte said.

The girls walked out of the store and they knew they would feel better after tonight.

That night they all went out to the bar.  Benedikte invited Hellhammer but he was working with some musicians he met up with.  The five girls walked out of Hellhammer’s ready for the night.  They decided to go to Café Con Bar to scope out their fan base.  This night however was just a night to relax and have fun.

The minute they got there Natasha ran off to God knows where.  Alva and Gry went straight to the bar.  Kirsten and Benedikte ran straight to the dance floor.

After a few minutes of dancing a slower song came on and Kirsten was dancing close to some guy.  Benedikte joined Alva and Gry at the bar.

“Hey guys, why are you just hanging up here?  You should be dancing.”  Benedikte said breathlessly.

“Well we were but Alva saw someone she used to date.  It wasn’t a very good breakup so I think we might leave.  Plus Alva’s been feeling sick since seeing her.”  Gry said.

Alva started gathering her things and motioning to Gry she wanted to leave.

“We’ve gotta go Benedikte have a good night.”  Gry said hugging her.

“Bye,” Alva said waving goodbye slightly.

Just then Natasha ran up to Benedikte with her face lit like a Christmas tree.

“I just met the most amazing guy.  He is so gorgeous he has long, curly brown hair, soft green eyes, and has to be at least 6 feet tall.  I got his number and I just had to tell someone.”

“That is great Natasha but where did he go?”  Benedikte asked.

“He said he had to meet up with friends.  Forget about him let’s go dance.”  Natasha said grinning.

When they got on the dance floor Kirsten was with a new guy.  He gave her a drink and they kept on dancing.  Benedikte and Natasha started dancing together.  They didn’t wanna be bothered by the other guys.  It wasn’t long before guys started to dance with them.  Natasha gave a look to Benedikte; they both exited the dance floor, and went to the bar.

Benedikte and Natasha had their backs turned for one second and when they turned around, Kirsten was gone.

“Where did Kirsten go, it’s not like her just to leave.”  Benedikte said.

“Okay you go this way and I’ll go this way.”  Natasha said.

The two girls ran off into different directions.  When Benedikte made it outside she saw Kirsten being accosted by a guy.  He was trying to get Kirsten in his car, so Benedikte barreled towards them.  She punched the guy in the face and pulled him off her friend.  Benedikte grabbed Kirsten’s hand and ran to Natasha, who had just made it outside.  When they were far enough away Kirsten could barely stand.

“What’s happening,” Kirsten said disoriented.

“That guy must have stuck something in your drink.  Don’t worry I got you away.  Let’s get back to the house, that’s enough drama for tonight.”

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