June 10th, 1987-The Day of Their First Show (Edited)

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Alva woke up with the sun streaming through the window warming her face. Sitting up, looked straight at her calendar, and she noticed it was the day of the show. She slowly got out of bed and stood up. Opening up the window she noticed it was warm for this time of year. Walking over to her closet, she picked out a forest green maxi dress and put it on.

Once she was dressed, she picked up her guitar. Strumming it softly she stared into space and memories came flooding back. Especially the memories of the first day she got it.

When she was fifteen, Alva got a summer job because she saw a guitar in the window of a pawn shop. She wanted so badly to get it but since her dad left it had been difficult. Her mom had trouble raising Alva with the lack of money. Since dad had another family, she guessed he didn't have time to help. She finished her last job of the day and ran to get home before dinnertime.

When Alva arrived home her mom was waiting at the door when she came in.

"I have a surprise for you." Her mom said holding something behind her back.

"What is it momma?" She asked excitedly.

When her mom revealed the gift Alva's heart skipped a beat. It was the guitar she saw in the window.

"Mom how did you-."

"Alva, I saved up and I bought it for you. I know it's a week before your birthday, but I was ready to get it."

"Mom, you have to let me give you all my lawn mowing money. I won't take no for an answer."

"But Alva I," she started.

"No mom I'm giving it to you."

When I finally got her to take the money, I set my sights on learning how to play and make her proud.

Alva started to practice her songs. She always thought about her mom when playing. It brought back the happy memories and kept her going when things got tough. Especially after her mother died suddenly and she was sent to live with her father. The only good thing about living there was her half siblings. When she wasn't doing chores for her stepmother, she played her guitar to bring back the happy memories of her mother.

One year later Alva was sixteen and fed up and Gry took her in. Without her Alva would not be here now.


Gry woke up to the soft sound of Alva's acoustic guitar. Her mother bought her that guitar. Gry had bought her electric, but she only used it for shows and practicing with the band. Thinking about Alva brought memories about her parents. When they emigrated from Ireland to Sweden it was for Gry. Her parents would do anything for her like Alva's.

The day her parents died was the worst day of her life. Instead of living with an awful people like Alva, Gry's aunt took her in. Gry knew what it was like to lose your parents and did not want Alva to suffer any longer.

They encouraged her brother to do well playing football and Gry in her piano playing. When she finally begged to switch to guitar her family backed her one hundred percent.

After getting dressed, she started practicing for their show also. She tried warming up with a song she wrote about her parents, but she started crying. When she thought about her parents again, she couldn't play without crying.

When Gry and Alva got to Kirsten's place it was five o'clock.

"Okay girls tonight we are going to record this show for our demo." Benedikte explained.

"So, we really need to practice and get into fighting shape." Kirsten finished.

They made their way to the club. The owner was going to set it up so that they could record it. He also told them they could practice at the club to get everything up to par. When the girls arrived and checked all the setup already done, they knew they would have the best sound.

The sound check went great, and all the songs worked out tremendously. When the club opened at 10pm the girls were ready. The crowd wasn't what the girls were expecting. Everyone was in all black with leather. In the sea of band shirts, they noticed Bathory, Mercyful Fate, and Venom shirts. It was the crowd they had been waiting for.

"Hello Oslo, we're the Queens ov Hell." Benedikte shouted.

The introduced their first song and ripped into it perfectly. The vibe was electric, and the fans were going wild. They started a mosh pit quickly, after the first two songs.

At the end of the show, they we're all sweaty and pumped up. The girls knew this was what they were meant to do. They gave on final shout to end the show then quickly walked off the stage.

"Wow that was so fun. Benedikte, you slay up there," Gry exclaimed happily.

They slowly made their way to a table towards the back of the club.

"Thanks Kirsten you hit every beat right on time." Benedikte gushed as they sat down.

"I was so scared up there I'm so glad I didn't mess up." Alva said shaking slightly.

So many guys offered to pay for the girls' drinks. None of them drank so they ended up chatting with them. After the live band they played music over the loudspeaker. Alva met a beautiful girl that she ended up leaving with. All the other girls were just having fun dancing and meeting guys.

At the end of the night, they all stayed over at Gry's house. When they got there Alva and the girl, she met was on the couch asleep. Gry covered them with a blanket and led Kirsten and Benedikte to the guest room.

Alva woke up the next morning and saw the girl next to her. She instantly remembered they sat up and talked until they both fell asleep. Alva never told the others about her being gay, but she knew it was now time. She never came out to her family for fear of rejection, but her new family would understand.

She woke the girl up and they started to make breakfast. She and the girl, whose name was Kylee, talked about everything. They had similar backgrounds only Kylee's mom was still married. Kylee's parents acted like Alva's father and his new wife. They were so similar and got along great.

Kirsten, Benedikte, and Gry woke up to the smell of food. They got to the kitchen at the same time. They saw plates ready and Alva and that girl eating.

"Hey Alva, did you make this?" Benedikte said.

"Yeah, oh and girls this is Kylee. Kylee this is Benedikte, Kirsten and Gry." She introduced them all.

They all sat down at the table. Before anyone could start eating, Alva announced she had something to say.

"You guys may already know that I'm gay. I know it's random to just come out with it, but I thought everyone should know." Alva said glancing at everyone at the table.

"That's great, Alva. I thought it was pretty obvious by the way you looked at Kylee all night." Kirsten said chuckling.

Alva's face lit up bright red and she looked down at her food. Once everyone had eaten and cleaned to dishes, Kirsten spoke up.

"Okay, we need to talk about our next move." Kirsten said.

The next couple of months would move very fast for all the girls. The changes would rock the world of the girls and their band.

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