The End

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“Hey Benedikte are you ready to go?”  Hellhammer shouted to Benedikte from the living room.

“Almost,” Benedikte assured him.

Benedikte looked at herself in the mirror.  She almost didn’t recognize the face looking back at her.  She had bags under her eyes, her hair was frizzy, and she had a vacant look in her eyes.  Ever since Euronymous had died she spent a lot of time at home or at Kirsten’s house.  Benedikte had been over to see Gry and no one had heard from Alva for months.  Benedikte had horrible dreams about Euronymous and would wake up screaming.

Come on you have to go, so just suck it up and leave.  Benedikte’s mind told her.

Benedikte walked slowly out to where Hellhammer was waiting.  He smiled when he saw her.

“Are you ready,” Hellhammer asked sympathetically.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Benedikte said sadly.


In the car all Benedikte could think about was the speech she and Kirsten were to make.  They decided to do it together for moral support.  During the car ride Benedikte just stared listlessly out the window.  As they drove Benedikte could have swore she saw Dead and Euronymous’ faces in the trees.

Once they pulled into the parking lot Benedikte started to sob silently.  She walked out of the car and saw Gry with her baby and Kirsten.  Benedikte walked to them and embraced them both.

“We should go in,” Kirsten said solemnly, her eyes misting with tears.

All three friends walked into the funeral home with the closed casket at the front of the room.  Many of Euronymous’ family and friends filled the room.

The three girls went to Euronymous’ parents and talked until it was time for the funeral to begin.

The preacher began with some kind words and then they played Amazing Grace.  It was soon Benedikte and Kirsten turn to make their speech.

Kirsten began.

“When I first met Euronymous he was so mysterious.  When I first saw him it was dark and it seemed like he came from the darkness.  Once I got to know him he was very nice, smart, and talented.  He taught me many things and I wish he could still be here.” 

Kirsten started to cry slightly but she regained her composure quickly.

“He was my best friend as well my first love.  I’m just glad that he met Gry and got to spend his last days with her.”  Kirsten finished and let Benedikte take over.

“I had a very similar experience upon meeting Euronymous.  Sometimes he would get on my nerves but it was so easy to forgive him.  Most people saw only the serious and sometimes crazy side of Euronymous but that was a façade.  He was sweet, funny, smart, and he always could make me smile.  I’m very saddened that he was taken away from us so early.  I just hope he’s happy wherever he is.”  Benedikte said.

After they finished and sat down it was a like a small weight had been lifted.

The ride to the cemetery was quiet and the small ceremony brought tears to Gry’s eyes. 

Before they lowered the casket Benedikte took Evangelina from Gry’s arms.  Gry finally broke down and fell to her knees.  Kirsten rubbed Gry’s shoulders as she cried.  Gry had to have time to let everything out.  Once Gry’s crying had ceased her eyes were puffy and red.  She turned to Benedikte, grabbed Evangelina, and said sadly, “can we go please.”

“Sure,” Kirsten said.

They all walked to the car solemnly and wished for the day to be over.

Fast Forward May 1994

On the day of Varg’s trial he couldn’t have been more of an asshole.  He wore pigtails and smiled that smug smile.  The whole trial Varg lied.  The events of that day did not prove that Varg acted in self defense.  His actions were appalling and Benedikte wanted to kick him in his face.  When he was given the maximum 21 years in prison for murder and arsons, it made Benedikte smile. 

Faust was in jail for the murder in Lillehammer.  Benedikte went to see him every day because he was still one of Benedikte’s best friends.  Metalion, Fenriz, Hellhammer, and the Mayhem guys were her only other friends from the now defunct black circle.

Euronymous’ parents asked Hellhammer to re-record Varg’s bass parts.  But when the De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas was released Varg’s parts were not removed just turned down in the mix.  Hellhammer had no idea how to play bass so that was how it had to be.

Back to 1995

After Kirsten left I sat and thought about it for a minute.  Maybe she was right, it was time to let it go.  The black metal scene only caused stress and Benedikte lost two close friends.  She had to go find Kirsten and apologize. 

Benedikte walked out onto the cold and windy street.  The sky had turned from dark gray to light gray and the sun was shining faintly through the clouds.  Benedikte ducked and dodged the many people on the street.  Benedikte thought she saw Kirsten so she called her name.  When she turned it was Kirsten and Benedikte yelled, “stop I need to apologize.”  They moved to the edge of the sidewalk.

“I’m sorry for everything that I said.  I don’t know what I was thinking.  We’ve lost two of our friends and now we almost lost our friendship.  I don’t think I could live without you and Fenriz.  You two along with Hellhammer helped me cope with everything that happened.”  Benedikte said breathlessly.

“I’m glad about that.  I don’t want to be in the black metal scene anymore.  I’ll still listen and support Fenriz but that’s all.  Come on call Hellhammer and let’s go back to my house and eat.  Fenriz is already home and we can invite Gry over too.”  Kirsten offered.

“Sounds good to me,” Benedikte answered.

That night everyone had a great time.  We all got to catch up and reminisce about the good old times before our lives were turned upside down.  It was so great to have everyone around and just live in the moment.


A few years later Hellhammer and Benedikte became engaged and married.  Hellhammer had also reunited Mayhem.  He recruited Rune Eriksson (Blasphemer) on guitar, Maniac on vocals, and Necrobutcher on bass.  Benedikte got the job of managing Mayhem’s career.

Kirsten and Fenriz broke up because of his heavy schedule.  Kirsten got a job as a journalist for a local metal magazine.  That is where she met I.C.S. Vortex of Dimmu Borgir fame.  They have been dating for a few years.

Gry and Evangelina lived alone for a few years.  Gry got a job at the bakery that used to be Helvete.  It helped her feel close to Euronymous’ memory.  She did however meet Shagrath through Kirsten and Vortex.  They married three years later.

Alva’s father died and it hit her hard.  She was able to overcome the shock by spending time with her siblings.  She ended up adopting her siblings and she married a very successful lawyer. 

Everyone who made it out of the black metal scene of the 1990’s unscathed still have stressful memories.  But the relationships made along the way made it all worthwhile.

A/N This story goes out to everyone in the black metal scene whether you’re a fan or musician.  This story is fictional but some material is based in fact.  Black metal is a brotherhood with a crazy history and once you’re hooked it never stops.  Thanks to all my readers silent or otherwise.  You are the reason I wrote this and continue to write and improve my craft.  Watch out for two new stories coming your way in the near future.

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