Things Have Changed

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When Kirsten and Benedikte reached the door and stumbled in, they started laughing.

“I don’t know why we’re laughing but I can’t help it.  Varg is such a dumbass and he is so delusional.”  Kirsten began.

“I know at first I didn’t understand the church burnings and why it was so important.  Well, I still don’t but now it all seems so funny.  I know I flipped out so many times over it but I’m just not gonna care anymore.”  Benedikte said.

“It is so weird; how we were so upset but now it seems silly.  It is probably because seeing Varg trying to act like God is such a contradiction.  Benedikte we have to just focus on the band.  We could do so much if we just construct a concrete plan.”  Kirsten ventured.

“Let’s get some paper and map out our career path.  That way we can look forward to something.  We can also get our minds off of the idiotic happenings.  For once let’s focus on us.”  Benedikte said looking Kirsten straight in the eye.

So the girls sat down and wrote it down.  They would play the next two dates they had booked.  They would then record a new album and trade some of their old tapes to Benedikte’s friends in Sweden.  Natasha hooked them up with some of her friends in America.  She would help them trade with some people overseas.  It was all set and when Hellhammer finally came home the girls had fallen asleep.

The next morning Benedikte woke up in bed next to Hellhammer snoring loudly.  She walked to the living room to see Kirsten still asleep.  Benedikte walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. 

She sat down on the edge of the tub and started thinking.  In this short time she met new friends; she lost her first love, and found a new one.  She thought about Pelle every day but the pain was still fresh.  She always fought back the tears because Pelle wouldn’t want her to be sad.  He appeared in her dreams and would tell her things.  It was one of the dreams he appeared in that she knew something happened with Faust.  He uttered only Faust’s name and the flash of a blade. 

Benedikte then thought about how stupid she was to blow up about the church burnings.  It had nothing to do with her and she figured she should let it go.  It would never be okay to destroy property but let the idiots get caught.  She would not let it get to her.  She walked out of the bathroom and started getting ready to go to work.


When Benedikte got to work with Kirsten, Varg was the first to greet them.

“Hey where did you two run off to yesterday.”  He asked.

“Well remember us being mad about the church situation, just forget it.  Kirsten and I have many other and better things to do than worry about you guys.”  Benedikte answered cheerfully.

“Ok then I guess its fine that Samoth and I are going to Skjod Church to torch it down too.”

“Yeah whatever you want, but one more negative comment about Natasha and our relationship is over.”  Kirsten said winking at him then shoving past.

Benedikte was a little worried about Samoth.  He seemed like he wouldn’t do this.  But Benedikte knew that Samoth looked up to Varg.  So it seemed like a little brainwashing was happening.

The rest of the day went by slowly.  Benedikte wrote the notes to her friends in Sweden and Kirsten rustled up some of their unsold tapes.  Natasha came by with the notes for her American friends and they sent out their letters.  Natasha came with them to the show that night. 

Meanwhile in Rogaland Samoth and Varg were starting their own adventure.

Rogaland, Norway

Varg and Samoth made it to the Skjod Church at 8 p.m. that night.  They first scoped out the layout of the church.  They found a small door under the altar.  They emptied a large canister of gasoline and lit a match.  The two of them ran back to their car.

The night was stormy with heavy rain and thunder.  They drove down a quiet and narrow country road with their high beams as the only light. 

Samoth told Varg about how it felt like a holy experience.  Something he had never felt before.  Varg assured him that it was normal and it would be one of the greatest things he will ever undergo.

It took them most of the night to make it back to Oslo and Helvete.


Oslo/Cafe Con Bar/8 p.m.

As the Queens ov Hell ascended the stage that night they felt excited.  They were happy to be back on the stage.  It would be a great night and it didn’t matter what else was going on.  Once the stage lights came up and the music started the crowd went mad.

Natasha came up to congratulate them after the show. 

“That was great.  I didn’t let you know but I had a friend of mine record this show.  I was hoping we could release a live album.”  Natasha revealed.

“Really that’s amazing, in fact I’m not even mad, good move.  I think we played a great show tonight.”  Kirsten said.

“Come on guys we gotta get out there a meet the fans, we’ll get the live tape later.”  Alva yelled to the others.

The girls greeted fans and passed out signed tapes.  All that mattered that night was the fans and hoping they loved the show.

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