Fast Times in Black Metal 101 (Edited)

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July 5, 1987

"Alright girls one, two, three, four," Kirsten counted down.

The girls ripped into the first song for the new album.  Øystein listened intently with his eyes closed.  They were recording each song once.  Øystein said it would be good for the listener to feel like they were there.  Every little misstep or mistake would be recorded.  This would be their demo to use at a concert they had booked.  By the end of the recording everyone was hungry.

"Øystein did you want to get something to eat?"  Benedikte asked as she picked up her bag.

"You know you can call me Euronymous.  I kind of like it over my actual name.  Anyways, sure but this business doesn't pay much so I'm a little strapped for cash."

"No worries, buddy," Benedikte said throwing her arms around him grinning.  "Gry's aunt gave us some money."  She finished giggling.

Alva grabbed Kylee, Kirsten linked her hand with Euronymous', and the others started out the door.

While we ate, we talked about what was next for us and then we were going to go meet the rest of Mayhem.  Euronymous invited us to sit in on a band meeting.  He considered us all as his sisters.  He saw Kirsten as more, but I doubt he knew it himself.

By the time we met the other guys none of them looked very happy.  Two of the members had cast down eyes, and the other looked around nervously.  The first was slightly taller with shoulder length dirty blonde hair.  And his bangs covering the left side of his face.  The second one was a similar height with shorter blanched blonde hair.

"Hey guys, I'd like to introduce you to the new band in the Posercorpse family.  This is Kirsten, Benedikte, Gry, Alva, and her girlfriend Kylee."

"This is Sven a.k.a. Maniac, Kjetil a.k.a. Manheim, and Jørn a.k.a. Necrobutcher.  What's wrong you guys, you all look upset or nervous?"

"Well, Kjetil and I we want to quit.  We just feel at this time we don't really want to be involved anymore."  Sven explained.  "It's just not working out the way we hoped."  Sven said anxiously.

"I can't say I'm not disappointed, but I understand.  It's alright, we're in between albums and I'm just getting the label up and running."  Euronymous reasoned.

"I guess we'll be seeing you.  Girls it was nice to meet you."  Kjetil said as they exited the house.

"Well, what happens now," Benedikte asked.

"Necrobutcher go home until tomorrow.  We'll finish this then."  Euronymous said.

When the girls left Kirsten stayed behind to talk with Euronymous.  He was smart and had a calming presence to her.  She was becoming more attracted to him every passing day.  Falling for someone was always something Kirsten did.  It always ended badly but something about Euronymous was different.  She knew she had to tell him tonight.

"Euronymous what are you going to do since the others left?"  Kirsten asked.

"Well, we can work on replacing them later.  I'm just really excited for the Queens ov Hell.  You guys work well together, much like sisters.  When I first saw you guys on stage you all looked like beauty queens in black clothing and makeup.  When you all started playing, I was blown away.  It's rare to see women in this genre is all."  He said nervously.

"I guess that's a compliment," Kirsten said wrinkling her nose in slight confusion.

After a small second of silence that felt like an eternity Kirsten decided it was time.  Her stomach was full of butterflies and her hands grew clammy.  It was now or never.

"Euronymous, I know we've only known each other for a month and a half but I have a question to ask."  Kirsten said while wringing her hands on her lap.

"Sure," he said looking in her eyes.

"I was wondering when we have some downtime would you like to go on a date.  I really like you and I just wanted to know if you'd like to go out."  Kirsten said then started biting her lip.

"I would love that.  Kirsten, I feel like I can talk to you and not worry about the rest of the world.  How about tomorrow after practice and recording?"

"That would be great," Kirsten said smiling.

Benedikte, Alva, and Gry arrived back at the house sans Kylee.  Benedikte stayed outside as the others went inside.  She grabbed a cigarette and sat down to clear her head.  She was thinking that it was amazing how far they had come since the days in the basement.  Working on songs and hoping our big break would come.  Next weekend we'd be done with the recording and playing our first big show.

While I was sitting down Kirsten came bounding up to the porch.

"Let me guess you had a great time?"

"Yeah, Euronymous and I are going on a date later tomorrow after playing music.  I'm so happy and I think he feels the same."  She said sighing.

"I'm so glad you're finally going to have a real relationship."  Benedikte said and they walked into the house.

Kirsten always had crushes and once she would tell them it never went well.  I was hoping this time would be different, seeing how Euronymous always looked at her.

Alva sat in her room silently strumming her guitar.  She was thinking how proud her mother would be.  She wouldn't have approved of the lyrics, but she would be happy the Alva finally found her place.  She had found friends who treated her like their sister and a girlfriend that was so caring.  She saw out her window Benedikte smoking and Kirsten coming up to the house. 

Hmm I didn't know she smoked.  Alva thought absentmindedly, she then went back to strumming her guitar.

Gry was talking to her aunt about the day she had.

"Wow Gry I'm so proud of you."

"Umm I was wondering how you would feel if me and the girls quit school for this band?"

"Well, I don't mind it if the other parents are okay with it."

"Yeah, we already talked to them first and they all agreed.  I figured it was up to you.  We already decided to move in with Alva's girlfriend.  She has a job and has money because her mother died.  She made sure that she had enough money, and we're all going to get side jobs."  Gry explained.

"I'm super proud of this band and your maturity in this situation.  I'm glad to have you grow up into someone your parents would be proud of."

"Thanks Aunt Tarja, I'm going to go to bed now goodnight."

"Goodnight Gry," she said.

Tomorrow was hopefully a good day.

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