Things are Never the Way They Seem

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Everyone sat on the train watching the scenery and the snow pass them by.  Per had his head on her lap and he had been having a nose bleed since they boarded the train.  Benedikte figured it was because he had been so malnourished.

“Hey Pelle, I wanted to ask you something.  I was wondering who your favorite singer is?”  She asked

“I really like Attila Csihar from Tormentor.  They are from Hungary and his vocal style is impressive.”  Pelle answered.

“Hmm so how do you think it will be in Turkey?”

“I don’t know B, I just don’t know.”  Per answered.

During the train ride Benedikte ran her hands through Per’s hair while his head was in her lap.  She made sure he didn’t get blood on his clothes.

“Benedikte, Per, we need to grab our stuff.  Our stop is next, we’re gonna have to jump out quickly.”  Kirsten said poking her head around the corner.

Per and Benedikte gathered everything and went to meet the others.

“Dammit you two where have you been the whole time,” Euronymous virtually yelled.

“Oh just shut it, we have to get out.”  Hellhammer yelled.

The whole group vaulted out as the train shuddered to a stop.  It was a small walk to the venue.  When they got there it was abundant with people.  The eight of them had to jostle their way through.  It was only Mayhem’s gig so the girls helped them set up.

The minute Mayhem started Benedikte had a bad feeling.  The scar on her arm was burning, the one Per gave her months ago.  The crowd was becoming rowdy.  Mayhem was the last band to play and four songs in the power went out unexpectedly.

“What the hell is going on?”  Necrobutcher yelled.

Necrobutcher walked to the promoters and started bargaining.  One of the other band’s members pulled out money trying to give them bribe money.

Soon the police burst into the place.  People who didn’t get out of the way got pushed over.  They shouldered their way to the stage.   

“We’re here to shut this down.  The crowd outside was starting to incite violence.”  The police screamed to the crowd.

“No, hell no this is not happening.  You are not going to shut us down for no reason.  We were promised this gig and we have to finish it.”  Necrobutcher yelled at the police.

Necrobutcher ran and was attempting to knock the officer down.  The officer stopped him in his tracks.  Then the police grabbed the remaining band members.  The girls saw the police pulling them roughly outside.

“Get off of them.  Let my damn friends go you assholes.”  Gry yelled as they barged past the girls.

She ran to pull the cops off the boys.  One officer apprehended her before she could get to them.  Mayhem and the Queens ov Hell were roughly dragged and then thrown in a police car. 

Two hours later the cops had scrapped the equipment and Per realized his wallet was lost.  When they walked outside they were pissed.  The only good thing was they took all their crap equipment.

“Grr I can’t believe this,” Gry growled.

“I know but we just need to go back home.  We hardly have any money and we still have to get through customs.”  Alva reasoned.

“She’s right,” Benedikte agreed putting her arm around her shoulder.

Per walked over and took Benedikte’s hand in his.  The three started to walk towards the train station.  Reluctantly the rest of the band followed suit.

They ran into trouble at the customs desk.  They found Per’s knife he used for shows.  Everyone was too tired to fight.  They let customs confiscate it and they marched onto the train.

Hellhammer, Per, and Benedikte sat together.  It was a quiet ride and everyone was steamed.  No one dared to speak in fear of a blow up.  When they safely arrived in Norway the fog had lifted.  The only problem was everyone was still mad at each other for unknown reasons.

The minute they got home everyone collapsed on the couches.  None of them bothered to put their things up.  Euronymous came in carrying the mail with the hint of a smile playing upon his lips.

“Euronymous have you finally snapped,” Alva said with a smirk.

Everyone snapped to attention and looked at Euronymous.

“What is it?”  Gry asked.

“We got signed.  We can get the music distributed to the United States.”  He answered.

“Oh good, I can’t believe it, I mean you know how fickle America is.”  Necrobutcher realized.

“Okay guys we need to sit down and figure everything out.”  Benedikte said.

“Well I’m gonna be living with Jenna, she’s pregnant.”  Necrobutcher revealed.

“That’s great Jørn, I can’t wait.”  Kirsten said.

“I’ve got a couple bands I’m working with and getting the new label up and running.”  Euronymous explained.

“Well it’s settled then we’ll all go our separate ways and regroup later” Benedikte reasoned.

So the rest of December the girls stayed home all the time.  Hellhammer sold the PA for money so recording was a little more difficult.  Euronymous would be home a lot and he would fight constantly with Hellhammer and Dead.

“Per are you even listening?  We can’t just send them this last take.  We finished “Carnage” but “Freezing Moon” is just not right.  It’s hard to hear you and Hellhammer came in to late.”  Euronymous yelled.

They were trying to send in two tracks for a new compilation.  “Freezing Moon” just was not sounding right.  It had been five takes already and nothing lasted more than thirty seconds.

“Euronymous you know what I just don’t care we need to take a break.  You have done nothing but run us ragged all day.  You also promised the girls some time to record their new album and they’ve been waiting all day.  You’re just gonna have to chill and we’ll finish tomorrow.”  Per yelled feverishly.

“Yeah come on Euronymous.”  Kirsten said sweetly to him.

“Let us record please,” she said giving him puppy dog eyes.

“Okay but for you and the girls not because of those two.”  Euronymous said and stomped off.

“Thanks girl, you are a life saver.”  Hellhammer said giving her a crushing hug.

Finally the girls could get their debut album started.  Euronymous promised them and it would be released on his new Deathlike Silence Productions label.  It was the first time they could record; they had been practicing and writing like crazy.  So it would finally be their gateway to a bigger audience.

During February everyone except Dead and Benedikte had left.  The fighting during January was too much for everyone.  They all had to get away.  The guys fought about everything from recording, what they used their money for, and Dead’s fondness for talking more about death than ever before.  Per had become sick and wanted to go home because it was like they hated each other.

Pelle had told his parents about the money situation and his dad came to visit in February.  Per seemed annoyed at him while Benedikte knew they were worried.  She even had to assure him that everything was fine.  Although she felt Pelle was anything but okay.

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