I and Love and You

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Title Credit: The Avett Brothers

The next day Varg and Kirsten decided to go out at seven that night.

Earlier that day Benedikte let it slip to Euronymous about the events of the previous night.  While telling Euronymous about the opening yesterday, she admitted that Varg asked Kirsten out.

“He did what?!”  Euronymous bellowed.

“Shit, I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.  Kirsten asked me not to and now you’re overreacting.”  Benedikte thought out loud.

“I’m not overreacting, I just cannot believe it.  I know I shouldn’t have introduced him to you two already.”

“First off you are overreacting and secondly why the hell does it matter?  You told me you had no more romantic feelings for Kirsten.  It’s not that big of a deal.”  Benedikte ranted to him.

“I don’t have romantic feelings for her.  I still care for Kirsten like I would my own sister.  He has an effect on her, I’m afraid she’ll agree or be swayed by anything he says.  I know I talk highly of him and he’s a friend of mine but I still don’t know him that well.  I don’t want her getting hurt.”  Euronymous vented.

“Euronymous she’ll be fine, trust me.”  Benedikte said softly touching Euronymous’ arm.

She left Euronymous alone in the basement with only his thoughts to keep him company.

“Hey Kirsten is Euronymous here?”  Occultus asked upon coming into work.

“Yeah he’s in the basement right now, what did you need.”  Kirsten asked.

“I need to tell him I’m leaving Mayhem.  I’ve been getting death threats from him for some reason.  I still have to work here to make rent though.”  Occultus explained.

“Just go down to the basement, I promise he’ll be there.”

It seemed as though things were getting weirder.  Euronymous watching her and sending death threats to Occultus, it was so unlike him.

Just then Benedikte came rushing past Occultus on the stair and barreling through the store.

“What the hell,” Kirsten muttered.

“Kirsten, Kirsten, I totally screwed up and you’ll probably kill me.  I’m so sorry,” Benedikte cried coming towards her.

“Benedikte calm down what happened.  You look pale,” Kirsten said sitting Benedikte down.

“I accidently told Euronymous about you and Varg.  I think I was able to convince him to leave it alone.”

“Well I can’t be too mad.  He was bound to find out eventually.  I wish I could have told him but I don’t think it would have mattered.”  Kirsten figured.

“So now that has been resolved what are you gonna wear?”  Benedikte asked.

When seven o’clock came Kirsten was ready for her date.  She wore dark jeans, a simple black t-shirt, and her worn out Nikes.  They weren’t going anywhere fancy so Kirsten deemed it okay.  Benedikte tried to get her into a dress, so Kirsten ignored her urgings.  She felt her normal attire would be fine.

Varg met her at the bottom of the stairs.  He smiled as she appeared in front of him.

“Are you ready,” He asked.

“Yes let’s go,” Kirsten said grabbing his hand.

At dinner Varg asked Kirsten about herself.  She told him everything but omitting her cousins murder and her grandmother dying from cancer.  She didn’t trust Varg as readily as she had Euronymous.

“So what about you Varg, I hardly know anything about you.”

“Well I was born at an army base where my father was stationed.  I grew up in different places but mostly in the Middle East.  I still have contact with my mother.  She’s been helping me finance the Burzum albums.  I guess as they say the rest in history.”  Varg answered.

“Seems interesting, I really enjoyed the Burzum demo.  It’s really amazing and I know the next album will be fascinating.”  Kirsten said.

They spent the rest of the evening talking.  They took a walk in the woods and made it back to Helvete at one a.m. the next morning.  They quietly made their way back into the store.

“I had a great time Varg.  Thanks for the date,” Kirsten said.

“Me too,” he said pulling Kirsten closer.  He planted a soft kiss on her lips.

Kirsten pressed her body into his giving in to the kiss.  She kissed him hungrily as he held her body against his.  She had her fingers in his hair when they pulled away.  His arms were still around her as they looked in each other’s eyes.

“Goodnight Varg,” Kirsten said breathlessly.

“Goodnight Kirsten,” He said.

He watched her walk away and ascends the stairs to her room.  He knew he would have to make her his girlfriend.  He had never felt this way about another woman in his whole life.

A week later the store was in trouble.  Euronymous was in court for three days.  Some people claimed he attacked them with a broken bottle.  He left Kirsten and Benedikte in charge and the customers were growing in numbers.  When he was back and the case had been finished he had a lot of catching up to do.  Varg and Kirsten had been going on dates at least once a week.  Alva and Gry had been coming to rehearse and help with the store.  Things were about to get even crazier.

“Kirsten and Benedikte come with me to the basement.”  Euronymous said leading them downstairs.

“You’re not gonna torture and kill us are you.”  Kirsten said chuckling.

“No I have some people I want you to meet.”  He explained.

When they got to the basement there were six unfamiliar faces.  Varg and Faust were there also.

“This is Ihsahn, Samoth, and Mortiis from Emperor and Nocturno Culto, Fenriz, and Ivar from Darkthrone.”  Euronymous said pointing to each person.

“Hello guys, I’m Kirsten and this is Benedikte.  Benedikte,” she said nudging her.

“Oh hi,” Benedikte said blushing.

“You two should come hang out.  We’ll be down here later tonight.”  Fenriz spoke up.

“Sure,” Benedikte said breathlessly.

“Alright we’ll see you later.”  Kirsten said dragging Benedikte up the stairs.

When they were back in the shop Kirsten was grinning.

“Why are you grinning like that crazy person?”  Benedikte asked.

“You like Fenriz, you’re so transparent.”  Kirsten teased.

“No I like Hell… never mind,” Benedikte said fumbling. 

“You were gonna say Hellhammer, you like Hellhammer.”

“Benedikte you like me.”  They heard a voice say behind them.

They looked towards Hellhammer as he walked into the door.

“Oh Hellhammer your back maybe we should talk up in my room.”  Benedikte said.

She dragged him by the hand upstairs to her room.

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